AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: This AWS CloudFormation Template configures an EKS Cluster and GitLab runners for the Ultimate GitOps Workshop on AWS EKS. There is additional manual setup steps required to integrate the cluster to GitLab. For AWS Event Engine, must be deployed to us-east-1 Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: "Details for Runner Fleet" Parameters: - 3GITLABRunnerInstanceURL - 3GITLABRunnerRegTokenList - 4ASGDesiredCapacity - Label: default: "Details for EKS" Parameters: - AvailabilityZones ParameterLabels: 3GITLABRunnerInstanceURL: default: "GitLab Instance URL (generally" 3GITLABRunnerRegTokenList: default: "The runner registration token for the precreated 'classgroup'" 4ASGDesiredCapacity: default: "Specify the number of attendees divided by 5. So for 20 attendees 20/5 = 4." AvailabilityZones: Description: Availability zones for EKS. Must be in us-east-1 for AWS Event Engine. Parameters: 3GITLABRunnerInstanceURL: Description: > The url of the instance that the runner will register (must be reachable from runner instance on port 443 with return conversations). Type: String Default: 3GITLABRunnerRegTokenList: Description: One or more runner tokens to register (semicolon delimited) Type: String NoEcho: true MinLength: 5 ConstraintDescription: You must provide at least one runner registration token. 4ASGDesiredCapacity: Description: > Specify the number of attendees divided by 5. So for 20 attendees 20/5 = 4. Type: Number Default: 5 AvailabilityZones: Description: Availability zones for EKS. Must be in us-east-1 for Event Engine. Type: List Default: us-east-1b,us-east-1c Resources: EKSSetAdvancedParameters: Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack' Properties: TemplateURL: Parameters: ConfigSetName: spotT2Mediumparamset KubernetesVersion: 1.21 NodeInstanceType2: t3.medium NodeInstanceType3: t3.large OnDemandPercentage: 0 OnDemandBastionPercentage: 0 EKSCluster: DependsOn: EKSSetAdvancedParameters Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack' Properties: TemplateURL: Parameters: AvailabilityZones: !Join [ ',', !Ref 'AvailabilityZones' ] RemoteAccessCIDR: ConfigSetName: spotT2Mediumparamset NodeInstanceType: t2.medium EKSClusterName: spot2azuseast1 NumberOfAZs: 2 NumberOfNodes: 2 MaxNumberOfNodes: 3 NodeGroupType: Unmanaged NodeInstanceFamily: Standard ClusterAutoScaler: Enabled GitlabRunnerFleet: Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack' Properties: TemplateURL: Parameters: 1OSPeggedAMIID: AlwaysUseLatest 1OSInstanceOSPlatform: Linux 1OSPatchScope: NoPatching 3GITLABRunnerInstanceURL: !Ref 3GITLABRunnerInstanceURL 3GITLABRunnerRegTokenList: !Ref 3GITLABRunnerRegTokenList 3INSTConfigurationScript: 3GITLABRunnerTagList: AWS-Workshop 3INSTEbsVolumeSize: 30 4ASGDesiredCapacity: !Ref 4ASGDesiredCapacity #4ASGScheduledShutdownCron: !Ref 4ASGScheduledShutdownCron #4ASGScheduledStartupCron: !Ref 4ASGScheduledStartupCron 4ASGSpecifyVPC: DefaultVPC 5ASGSelfMonitorTerminationInterval: 1 #Should always be the lowest possible value for spot 5ASGAutoScalingEnabled: false 5ASGInstanceType1: t3.medium 5ASGInstanceType2: t3.large 5ASGInstanceType3: t2.medium 5ASGInstanceType4: t2.large 5SPOTOnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: 0 8DBGKeypairName: "" 9AWSRetrieveLatestAWSOSAmiIdFromSSM: /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 Outputs: {}