# Config Driven ETL Framework for AWS Glue
A lightweight and config driven ETL (extract, transform, load) framework to perform ETL operations on data lakes using AWS Glue
## Features
- A config driven framework, reads from a YAML file
- Extacts data from data lake
- Runs transformations using Spark-SQL
- Loads the processed data back to data lake
- Can execute external Python Scripts
## ETL Architecture for AWS Glue

## Config File
Config file is a YAML file where you can provide config parameter values to execute the ETL operation
|Key|Sub Key|Description|Type|Valid Values|Default|Example|
||name|Name of the job|Optional||||
||type|Type of the job|Required|spark-sql
||spark-config|Optional Spark Config Items|Optional|||spark-config:
- spark.executor.memory: 4g
- spark.driver.memory: 4g|
||pipeline_name|Put the name of your pipeline
* You can add multiple pipeline names if the config is shared|Required|Config value should be in Python Dictionary format||my_pipeline: {"variable1":"value1", "variable2":"value2"}|
YAML array|* The name of the table to read from
* If source is S3 It's the Spark view name
* Use same name in the SQL|Required||||
||source|Source type of the table|Required|* S3 : Direct access to S3 locations
* GDC : Access source tables using Glue Data Catalog
* JDBC : Access source tables using JDBC||S3|
||database|The database to read from|Required if source is GDC or JDBC||||
||location|The physical location of the table
* Can include variables provided in pipeline variables|Required if source is S3|||s3://data-lake-bucket/{value1}/{value2}table_name/|
||format|File format when the source is S3|Optional|parquet
||format_options|Formatting options for the source files|Optional|https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-programming-etl-format.html||{"quoteChar": '"',
"withHeader": True,
"separator": ",",
||name|Name of the output table
Can include {pipeline_name} variable|Required|||patient_{pipeline_name}|
||target|Target type of the output table|Required|S3
||database|The database to write to|Required when target is GDC or JDBC||||
||schema|The db schema to write to|Required when target is JDBC||||
||location|The physical location of the table
Can include variables provided in pipeline variables|Required when target is S3|||s3://data-lake-bucket/output-folder/my_table_{pipeline_name}/|
||governed|Specifies if the output table is a governed table in GDC|Optional
Can be used only when target is GDC|yes||yes|
||format|File format when the target is S3|Optional|parquet
||format_options|Formatting options for the source files|Optional|https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-programming-etl-format.html||{"quoteChar": '"',
||refresh|Table data refresh type|Optional|full
||coalesce|Controls the number of files produced in the output table|Optional|Any integer value||10|
||repartition|Controls the number of files produced in the output table|Optional|Any integer value||10|
||partition_keys|Table partition keys|Optional|||"column1,column2"|
|sql||* A single SQL SELECT statement in YAML multiline format
* Can include variables provided in pipeline variables|Optional|* Either sql or sql_file should be privided, not both
* If both are provided, sql would be used||\|
SELECT a.\*, b.*
FROM spark_table1 a
JOIN spark_table2 b ON b.column1 = b. column1|
|sql_file||* A SQL script file which contains a single SELECT statement
* Can include variables provided in pipeline variables|Optional|* Either sql or sql_file should be privided, not both
* If both are provided, sql would be used||s3://data-lake-bucket/etl-framefork/config/sql/my_query.sql|
|python_file||* A Python script file to be executed within the Glue job
* Can include variables provided in pipeline variables|Required when type.job is python-script|||s3://data-lake-bucket/etl- framefork/config/python/my_script.py|
#### Usage Notes :
- The framework can perform UPSERT on both non-partitioned or partitioned data lake tables.
- You can read from one or many tables but write back to a single table
# Example 1
Pipeline Name = 2022_sales
Job Type = spark-sql
Input tables :
sv_sales :
Source = S3,
Location = s3://data-lake-bucket/y2022/sales/
Format = Default (parquet)
sv_region : Source = S3,
Format = CSV,
Location = s3://data-lake-bucket/sales/region/
sv_customer : Source = S3,
Source = S3,
Location = s3://data-lake-bucket/sales/customer/
Format = Default (parquet)
Output table :
Target = S3,
Location = s3://datalake-bucket/outputfolder/y2022/sales_by_region/
## Config File for Example 1
type: spark-sql
sales_2021: {"datasource": "y2021", "area": "sales"}
sales_2022: {"datasource": "y2021", "area": "sales"}
- name: sv_sales
source: s3
location: s3://datalake-bucket/{datasource}/sales/
- name: sv_region
source: s3
location: s3://data-lake-bucket/{area}/region/
format: csv
format_options: {
"quoteChar": '"',
"withHeader": True,
"separator": ",",
"optimizePerformance": False,
- name: sv_customer
source: s3
location: s3://data-lake-bucket/{area}/customer/
name: sales_by_region
target: s3
location: s3://datalake-bucket/outputfolder/{datasource}/sales_by_region/
sql: |
SELECT r.region_id, sum(s.total_amount) as total_amount
FROM sv_sales s
JOIN sv_customer c
ON c.customer_id = s.customer_id
JOIN sv_region r
ON r.region_id = c.region_id
# Example 2
Pipeline Name = 2022_sales
Job Type = spark-sql
Input tables :
sv_sales :
Source = GDC
Database = sales_2022
sv_region : Source = S3
Source = GDC
Database = common_db
sv_customer : Source = S3
Source = GDC
Database = common_db
Output table :
Target = GDC
Database = ML
## Config File for Example 2
type: spark-sql
sales_2021: {"datasource": "y2021", "area": "sales"}
sales_2022: {"datasource": "y2021", "area": "sales"}
- name: sv_sales
source: GDC
database: sales_2022
- name: sv_region
source: GDC
database: common_db
- name: sv_customer
source: GDC
database: common_db
name: sales_by_region_{datasource}
target: gdc
database: common_db
sql_file: s3://datalake-bucket/config/sql/sales.sql