import sys from awsglue.transforms import * from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions from pyspark.context import SparkContext, SparkConf from awsglue.context import GlueContext from awsglue.job import Job from awsglue import DynamicFrame import boto3 import yaml import ast from loguru import logger import json from urllib.parse import urlparse # Global variables ds_mapping = {} s3_client = boto3.client('s3') def set_global_variables(variables): if isinstance(variables, dict): variables_dict = variables elif isinstance(variables, str): variables_dict = ast.literal_eval(variables) else: message = f"ERROR : Global variables should be either dict or str : {variables_dict}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message)"INFO : Config Variables = {variables_dict}") for key in variables_dict.keys(): globals()[key] = variables_dict[key] def getConfValue(item, default = ""): if not item: item = "" if item == "" and default: item = default"INFO : getConfValue.item = {item}") #return ast.literal_eval(str(f"f'{item}'")) try: return item.format(**globals()) except: return item def str2int(s): try: i = int(s) except ValueError: i = 0 return i def sparkSqlQuery(glueContext, query, mapping, transformation_ctx) -> DynamicFrame: for alias, frame in mapping.items(): frame.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView(alias) result = spark.sql(query) return DynamicFrame.fromDF(result, glueContext, transformation_ctx) def create_dynamic_frame(table): # required config items table_name = getConfValue(table.get("name")).lower() table_source = getConfValue(table.get("source")).lower() if table_name == "": message = f"ERROR : Table name is missing" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) if table_source == "": message = f"ERROR : Table source is missing : {table_name}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # If table source is S3 if table_source == "s3": table_location = getConfValue(table.get("location")) if table_location == "": message = "ERROR : Table location is missing : {table_name}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # optional config items table_format = getConfValue(table.get("format"), "parquet") table_format_options = getConfValue(table.get("format_options"),{}) dynFrm = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( format_options= table_format_options, connection_type="s3", format=f"{table_format}", connection_options={ "paths": [f"{table_location}"], "recurse": True, }, transformation_ctx=f"dynFrm_{table_name}", ) # If table source is GDC elif table_source == "gdc": database = getConfValue(table.get("database")).lower() if database == "": message = f"ERROR : Table source is missing : {table_name}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) dynFrm = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( database = f"{database}", table_name = f"{table_name}", transformation_ctx = f"dynFrm_{table_name}", ) # If table source is JDBC elif table_source == "jdbc": print("Placeholder for jdbc sources") else: message = f"ERROR : No valid data source is provided : {table_source}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Add the dataframe to the mapping table if dynFrm: ds_mapping[f"{table_name}"] = dynFrm else: message = f"ERROR : dynFrm is not created!" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Executer for only Spark-sql based jobs def run_spark_sql_job(): input_tables = config['input_tables'] for input_table in input_tables: create_dynamic_frame(input_table) sql_query = config.get('sql') if (not sql_query) or (sql_query == ""): sql_query_file = getConfValue(config.get('sql_file')) if sql_query_file == "": message = "ERROR : SQL or SQL File should be provided in the config" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Load the SQL file sql_query_file_url = urlparse(sql_query_file, allow_fragments=False) sql_query_file_bucket = sql_query_file_url.netloc sql_query_file_filepath = sql_query_file_url.path.lstrip('/') response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=sql_query_file_bucket, Key=sql_query_file_filepath) try: sql_query = response["Body"].read().decode("utf-8") except yaml.YAMLError as exc: message = f"ERROR : SQL File {sql_query_file} cannot be read" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) if (not sql_query) or (sql_query == ""): message = f"ERROR : SQL script cannot be found" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Convert multiline script to a single line sql_query = " ".join(sql_query.split()) # Replace single quotes with double quotes sql_query = sql_query.replace("'","\"") # Evaluate the script to embed variables sql_query = getConfValue(sql_query)"INFO : SQL Statement : {sql_query}") ssq = sparkSqlQuery( glueContext, query=sql_query, mapping=ds_mapping, transformation_ctx="sql", ) output_table_target = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("target")).lower() output_table_name = getConfValue((config.get("output_table").get("name"))).lower() output_table_partition_keys = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("partition_keys")) output_table_location = getConfValue((config.get("output_table").get("location"))) output_table_format = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("format")).lower() output_table_refresh = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("refresh")).lower() output_table_repartition = str2int(getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("repartition"))) output_table_coalesce = str2int(getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("coalesce"))) if output_table_repartition > 0: ssq = ssq.repartition(output_table_repartition) elif output_table_coalesce > 0: ssq = ssq.coalesce(output_table_coalesce) if output_table_partition_keys: output_table_partition_keys = output_table_partition_keys.replace(" ", "").split(",") else: output_table_partition_keys = [] if not output_table_format: output_table_format="glueparquet" if not output_table_refresh: output_table_refresh="full" if output_table_target == "s3": if output_table_refresh == "full": # Deletes files from the specified Amazon S3 path recursively. glueContext.purge_s3_path(output_table_location, options = {"retentionPeriod": 0}, transformation_ctx="purge_s3_path") # Write DynamicFrame to S3 sink = glueContext.getSink( path = output_table_location, connection_type = "s3", partitionKeys = output_table_partition_keys, enableUpdateCatalog = True, transformation_ctx=f"sink_{output_table_name}", ) sink.setFormat(output_table_format) sink.writeFrame(ssq) elif output_table_target == "gdc": output_table_database = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("database")) output_table_governed = getConfValue(config.get("output_table").get("governed")) if output_table_governed == "yes": transaction_id = glueContext.start_transaction(False) if output_table_refresh == "full": # Delete files from Amazon S3 for the specified catalog's database and table. This also deletes all existing table partitions from the catalog. glueContext.purge_table( output_table_database, output_table_name, options={"retentionPeriod": 0}, transformation_ctx="purge_table") getSinkParameters = {} getSinkParameters["connection_type"] = "s3" getSinkParameters["path"] = output_table_location getSinkParameters["enableUpdateCatalog"] = True getSinkParameters["updateBehavior"] = "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" getSinkParameters["partitionKeys"] = output_table_partition_keys if output_table_governed == "yes": getSinkParameters["transactionId"] = transaction_id getSinkParameters["additional_options"] = {"callDeleteObjectsOnCancel":"true"} sink = glueContext.getSink(**getSinkParameters) sink.setFormat(output_table_format) sink.setCatalogInfo(catalogDatabase = output_table_database, catalogTableName = output_table_name) try: sink.writeFrame(ssq) if output_table_governed == "yes": glueContext.commit_transaction(transaction_id) except Exception: if output_table_governed == "yes": glueContext.cancel_transaction(transaction_id) messsage = "ERROR : writeFrame operation failed!" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) else: message = f"ERROR : Not a valid : {output_table_target}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Executer for Spark (Python) based jobs def run_python_job(): python_file = getConfValue(config.get("python_file")) if python_file == "": message = "ERROR : Python script file should be provided in the config" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) python_file_url = urlparse(python_file, allow_fragments=False) python_file_bucket = python_file_url.netloc python_file_filepath = python_file_url.path.lstrip('/') try: response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=python_file_bucket, Key=python_file_filepath) except: message = f"ERROR : Python file cannot be found : {python_file}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) try: python_script = response["Body"].read() except Exception as exc: message = f"ERROR : Error in Retriving Python Script = {exc}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) try: exec(python_script) except Exception as exc: message = f"ERROR : Error in Executing Python Script = {exc}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) def log_serialize(record): """ Custom Serialize subset of message record dictionary """ #Prepare a subset of the elements required to log message record subset = { "timestamp": str(record["time"]), "epoch": record["time"].timestamp(), "level": record["level"].name, "file": record["file"].path, "function": record["function"], "line": record["line"], "module": record["module"], "name": record["name"], "message": record["message"], "job": record["extra"] } return json.dumps(subset) def log_sink(message): """ Custom loguru sink for subset of message record serialization """ serialized = log_serialize(message.record) print(serialized) def get_logger(): """ Gets loguru logger object with base setting """ try: #log = loguru.logger log = logger log.remove() logger_config = dict() logger_config["serialize"] = True logger_config["sink"] = sys.stderr log.add(**logger_config) log.remove() log.add(log_sink) except Exception as exc: message = f"ERROR : Error in Executing Python Script = {exc}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) return log ############## JOB STARTS HERE ########################## # Retrive job args args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ["JOB_NAME", "pipeline", "config_file", "variables"]) pipeline_name = args.get("pipeline") config_file = args.get("config_file") job_variables = args.get("variables") log = get_logger() job_fields = {"pipeline": pipeline_name,"config_file":config_file} log.configure(extra=job_fields)"INFO : Pipeline {pipeline_name} started using config file = {config_file}") # Load and parse the job config file config_url = urlparse(config_file, allow_fragments=False) config_bucket = config_url.netloc config_filepath = config_url.path.lstrip('/') try: response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=config_bucket, Key=config_filepath) except: message = f"Config file cannot be found : {config_file}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) try: config = yaml.safe_load(response["Body"]) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: message = f"Error = {exc}" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) # Set custom Spark Configs spark_configs = config.get("job").get("spark_config") if spark_configs: conf=SparkConf() for spark_config in spark_configs: for key, value in spark_config.items(): conf.set(key, value)"INFO : Spark Config : {key} = {value}") sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf) else: sc = SparkContext() glueContext = GlueContext(sc) #logger = glueContext.get_logger() spark = glueContext.spark_session job = Job(glueContext) job.init(args["JOB_NAME"], args) config_variables = config.get("variables").get(f"{pipeline_name}") if config_variables: set_global_variables(config_variables) job_type = getConfValue(config.get("job").get("type")) #Below 2 lines are for Loguru configuration job_fields = {"type": job_type, "pipeline": pipeline_name, "config":config_file} if job_type == "spark-sql": output_table = getConfValue((config.get("output_table").get("name"))).lower() job_fields["output"] = output_table log.configure(extra=job_fields) if job_type == "spark-sql": run_spark_sql_job() elif job_type == "python-script": run_python_job() else: message = "ERROR : Job Type has not been defined in the config file" logger.ERROR(message) sys.exit(message) job.commit()