# greengrass-v2-spot-robot-demo ## What is it? The AWS Envision Engineering team has partnered with Boston Dynamics to create a demo for deploying customer code and machine learning models to SpotĀ® robots. The objective of this demo is to demonstrate how AWS can bring AI/ML applications to the edge, and help Spot identify objects of interest via the Spot CAM+, a combination of a 360-degree and pan-tilt-zoom camera. Using SageMaker to train object detection/image classification models (with built-in SageMaker algorithms, or popular ML frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch), the models can then be optimized and packaged within a Greengrass v2 component, and deployed to the edge to run on AWS IoT Greengrass. Greengrass will run on Spot Compute AI, a hardened Linux-based computer that mounts to the back of the robot, and includes a Nvidia P5000 GPU. The demo is comprised of two major parts: 1) building/starting a Docker image for Spot that includes Greengrass, CUDA, and Nvidia drivers; and 2) a Python-based CDK application that deploys all the resources necessary for Greengrass v2 components and associated repos/build pipelines, and SageMaker Edge Manager. ## High-level Architecture ![Architecture](docs/SpotDemo.png) ## Assumptions ### Setup on Spot CORE / Spot CORE AI ```console sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sudo reboot ``` ### AWS CLI setup Ensure you have AWS CLI installed, a IAM user with an access key, and a named profile configured: * [Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.html) * [Configuration basics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html) * [Named profiles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html) * [Minimum IAM policy required for deploying solution](minimum_ggv2_iam_policy.json) ### AWS CDK v1 setup * [Install the AWS CDK v1](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/v1/guide/getting_started.html#getting_started_install) ## Deploy supporting resources for Spot with CDK ### Setup virtual env ```console cd spot_demo_cdk python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt chmod +x package_lambdas_py3.sh chmod +x deploy.sh ``` ### Download and export ML model This will download the 'ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_voc' pre-trained object detection from GluonCV Model Zoo, and create a model archive used for the demonstration. ```console python3 download_export_model.py ``` ### Define Spot variables > NOTE: This will be stored in AWS Secrets Manager, do not hard-code these variables in your application! ```console export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE= export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= export SPOT_USER= export SPOT_PASSWORD= export ROBOT_IP= export THING_NAME= export TARGET= export SPOT_SDK_VERSION= ``` ### Deploy CDK app ```console ./deploy.sh ``` ## Deploy to Spot ### Save password with ssh-copy-id ```console ssh-copy-id -p 20022 spot@$ROBOT_IP ``` ### Build image, create ECR repository (if necessary), and publish to ECR #### Build for CPU target ```console cd spot_container/ ./publish-to-ecr-ssh.sh $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE spot $ROBOT_IP greengrass-v2-spot-robot-demo $TARGET $SPOT_SDK_VERSION cd .. ``` #### ... or build for Spot CORE AI 1. Go to https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download, and login (join if you don't have an account) 2. Click **TensorRT 7** under **Available Versions** 3. Check **I Agree** and click **TensorRT 7.2.1** 4. Download **TensorRT 7.2.1 for Ubuntu 18.04 and CUDA 10.2 TAR package** to the **spot_container** directory 5. You should now have **TensorRT-** in **ggv2/container/gpu**, which is required for building the container ```console cd spot_container/ ./publish-to-ecr-ssh.sh $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE spot $ROBOT_IP greengrass-v2-spot-robot-demo $TARGET $SPOT_SDK_VERSION cd .. ``` ### Start your Greengrass core device > NOTE: running this the first time will automatically provision resources necessary to run Greengrass v2 > > NOTE: edit this script to include restart policies to manage your Docker container after shutdown/reboot #### Provision/start Greengrass on target device ```console ./run-ggv2-ssh.sh $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE spot $ROBOT_IP 20022 greengrass-v2-spot-robot-demo $TARGET $SPOT_SDK_VERSION $THING_NAME ``` ### Create secrets ```console aws secretsmanager create-secret --name spot_secrets --profile $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id spot_secrets --profile $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --profile $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE --secret-id spot_secrets --secret-string "{\"spot_user\":\"$SPOT_USER\",\"spot_password\":\"$SPOT_PASSWORD\"}" ``` > NOTE: make sure to note the secret ARN. You'll need this later when configuring Greengrass. ### Update Token Exchange Service (TES) role ```console aws iam attach-role-policy --profile $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE --role-name GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess aws iam attach-role-policy --profile $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE --role-name GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecretsManagerReadWrite ``` ## Configure and update deployment To create a new Greengrass deployment with the custom components for Spot, run the following: ```console python3 create_greengrass_deployment.py ``` ## Running custom Greengrass v2 components on Spot ### Creating a new action After logging onto Spot Tablet, navigate to Settings >> Actions. Then tap **Create New Action**. ![create_action](docs/create_action.png) Under the prompt **Choose a template action**, select **SageMaker Server**, and tap **Create**. ![create_action](docs/choose_template_action.png) Verify the message **The service [sagemaker-server] is currently registered and has no service faults**. Then select your image source - for example, **Spot CAM Image Service Ptz**. Finally, select a specific processing model (or tap **Choose Later** to select when performing the action). When completed, tap **Save** ![create_action](docs/configure_action.png) Verify you have a new action named **SageMaker Server**. ![create_action](docs/list_actions.png) ### Executing the action On the main Spot Tablet screen, tap the red action button in the bottom right corner. ![create_action](docs/main_screen.png) Then, choose **SageMaker Server** as your action from the provided list. ![create_action](docs/select_action.png) Next, aim your camera at the area you'd like to capture and run inference on. Tap **Next**. ![create_action](docs/aim_camera.png) Then, select the model you'd like to use for inference - for example, **gluoncv-model**. Tap **Next**. ![create_action](docs/aim_camera.png) Finally, review the image capture and inference results. Tap **Create** to add metadata attributes and save as mission data. ![create_action](docs/review_results.png) ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This repository is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file. This repository contains modified source code licensed under the Boston Dynamics Inc. ("Boston Dynamics") Software Development Kit License ([20191101-BDSDK-SL](https://github.com/boston-dynamics/spot-sdk/blob/master/LICENSE)).