import os import json from io import StringIO import boto3 import s3fs import pandas as pd def annot_yolo(annot_file, cats): """ Prepares the annotation in YOLO format Input: annot_file: csv file containing GroundTruth annotations ordered_cats: List of object categories in proper order for model training Returns: df_ann: pandas dataframe with the following columns img_file int_category box_center_w box_center_h box_width box_height Note: YOLO data format: """ df_ann = pd.read_csv(annot_file) df_ann["int_category"] = df_ann["category"].apply(lambda x: cats.index(x)) df_ann["box_center_w"] = df_ann["box_left"] + df_ann["box_width"] / 2 df_ann["box_center_h"] = df_ann["box_top"] + df_ann["box_height"] / 2 # scale box dimensions by image dimensions df_ann["box_center_w"] = df_ann["box_center_w"] / df_ann["img_width"] df_ann["box_center_h"] = df_ann["box_center_h"] / df_ann["img_height"] df_ann["box_width"] = df_ann["box_width"] / df_ann["img_width"] df_ann["box_height"] = df_ann["box_height"] / df_ann["img_height"] return df_ann def save_annots_to_s3(s3_bucket, prefix, df_local): """ For every image in the dataset, save a text file with annotation in YOLO format Input: s3_bucket: S3 bucket name prefix: Folder name under s3_bucket where files will be written df_local: pandas dataframe with the following columns img_file int_category box_center_w box_center_h box_width box_height """ unique_images = df_local["img_file"].unique() s3_resource = boto3.resource("s3") for image_file in unique_images: df_single_img_annots = df_local.loc[df_local.img_file == image_file] annot_txt_file = image_file.split(".")[0] + ".txt" destination = f"{prefix}/{annot_txt_file}" csv_buffer = StringIO() df_single_img_annots.to_csv( csv_buffer, index=False, header=False, sep=" ", float_format="%.4f", columns=[ "int_category", "box_center_w", "box_center_h", "box_width", "box_height", ], ) s3_resource.Object(s3_bucket, destination).put(Body=csv_buffer.getvalue()) def get_cats(json_file): """ Makes a list of the category names in proper order Input: json_file: s3 path of the json file containing the category information Returns: cats: List of category names """ filesys = s3fs.S3FileSystem() with as fin: line = fin.readline() record = json.loads(line) labels = [item["label"] for item in record["labels"]] return labels def main(): """ Performs the following tasks: 1. Reads input from 'input.json' 2. Collect the category names from the GroundTruth job 3. Creates a dataframe with annotaion in YOLO format 4. Saves a text file in S3 with YOLO annotations for each of the labeled images """ with open("input.json") as fjson: input_dict = json.load(fjson) s3_bucket = input_dict["s3_bucket"] job_id = input_dict["job_id"] gt_job_name = input_dict["ground_truth_job_name"] yolo_output = input_dict["yolo_output_dir"] s3_path_cats = ( f"s3://{s3_bucket}/{job_id}/ground_truth_annots/{gt_job_name}/annotation-tool/data.json" ) categories = get_cats(s3_path_cats) print("\n labels used in GroundTruth job: ") print(categories, "\n") gt_annot_file = "annot.csv" s3_dir = f"{job_id}/{yolo_output}" print(f"annotation files saved in = ", s3_dir) df_annot = annot_yolo(gt_annot_file, categories) save_annots_to_s3(s3_bucket, s3_dir, df_annot) if __name__ == "__main__": main()