Parameters: Mail: Type: String Description: Mail to send findings to SeverityThreshold: Type: Number Default: 7 Description: Minimum severity to send the finding through mail Resources: KMSCMKKeyC8FEE721: Type: AWS::KMS::Key Properties: KeyPolicy: Statement: - Action: kms:* Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: Fn::Join: - "" - - "arn:" - Ref: AWS::Partition - ":iam::" - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :root Resource: "*" - Action: - kms:Decrypt - kms:GenerateDataKey* Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - - Resource: "*" Version: "2012-10-17" Description: KMS CMK Key to Encrypt SNS Topics EnableKeyRotation: true UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain DeletionPolicy: Retain SnsTopic2C1570A4: Type: AWS::SNS::Topic Properties: KmsMasterKeyId: Fn::GetAtt: - KMSCMKKeyC8FEE721 - Arn TopicName: Guardduty-to-mail SnsTopicTokenSubscription1D5A46B4F: Type: AWS::SNS::Subscription Properties: Protocol: email TopicArn: Ref: SnsTopic2C1570A4 Endpoint: Ref: Mail TopicPolicyA24B096F: Type: AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy Properties: PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: sns:Publish Condition: Bool: aws:SecureTransport: false Effect: Deny Principal: AWS: "*" Resource: Ref: SnsTopic2C1570A4 Sid: "0" - Action: sns:Publish Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Resource: Ref: SnsTopic2C1570A4 Sid: "1" Version: "2012-10-17" Topics: - Ref: SnsTopic2C1570A4 EBruletoSNS: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Description: Forwards GuardDuty findings to SNS EventBusName: default EventPattern: source: - aws.guardduty detail-type: - GuardDuty Finding detail: severity: - numeric: - ">=" - Ref: SeverityThreshold Targets: - Arn: Ref: SnsTopic2C1570A4 Id: to-sns InputTransformer: InputPathsMap: severity: $.detail.severity Finding_ID: $ Finding_Type: $.detail.type region: $.region Finding_description: $.detail.description InputTemplate: | "You have a severity GuardDuty finding type in the region." "Finding Description:" "." "For more details open the GuardDuty console at "