""" main.py : This program is an example of how to use the AHItoDICOM module. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ from AHItoDICOMInterface.AHItoDICOM import AHItoDICOM import time import os import logging def main(): # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) # logging.getLogger('boto3').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # logging.getLogger('botocore').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # logging.getLogger('nose').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('AHItoDICOMInterface').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) datastoreId = "713e4f5237a84bec991d283fa9a0788a" #Replace this value with your datastoreId. imageSetId = "e0b17ef98f5df1e2f01b2603c92668e0" #Replace this value with your imageSetId. studyInstanceUID = "" #Replace this value with the studyInstanceUID of a study exisiting in the datastore. AHIEndpoint = None # Can be set to None if the default AHI endpoint is used. # Default values for Frame Fetcher and DICOMizer processes count. # Frame Fetcher : Number of Parallelize processes to fetchand decompress the HTJ2K frames from AHI. If Set to None the default value will be 4 x number of cores. # DICOMizer : Number of Parallel processes to the build the DICOM dataset form the metadata and the frames fetched. If Set to None the default value will be 1 x number of cores. fetcher_count = None dicomizer_count = None # Initialize the AHItoDICOM conversion helper. print("Getting ImageSet JSON metadata object.") helper = AHItoDICOM( AHI_endpoint= AHIEndpoint , fetcher_process_count=fetcher_count , dicomizer_process_count=dicomizer_count) # Demonstrates how to get the metadata of an ImageSet from AHI, returned as a JSON object. ImageSet_metdata = helper.getMetadata(datastore_id=datastoreId , imageset_id=imageSetId) print(len(ImageSet_metdata)) #Demonstrates how to get the series descriptions and ImageSetIDs by Study Instance UID print("Listing ImageSets and Series info by StudyInstanceUID") print(helper.getImageSetToSeriesUIDMap(datastore_id=datastoreId , study_instance_uid=studyInstanceUID)) #Demonstrates how to export the DICOM study by Study Instance UID print("DICOMizing by StudyInstanceUID") instances = helper.DICOMizeByStudyInstanceUID(datastore_id=datastoreId , study_instance_uid=studyInstanceUID) # Demonstrates how to load an ImageSet from AHI in memory. All the instances of the ImageSet are returned in a list of pydicom dataset. print("DICOMizing by ImageSetID") start_time = time.time() instances = helper.DICOMizeImageSet(datastore_id=datastoreId , image_set_id=imageSetId) end_time = time.time() print(f"{len(instances)} DICOMized in {end_time-start_time}.") # # Demonstrates how to convert DICOM images to PNG representations. print("Exporting images of the ImageSet in png format.") instances = helper.DICOMizeImageSet(datastore_id=datastoreId , image_set_id=imageSetId) StudyUID = instances[0]["StudyInstanceUID"].value for ins in instances: insId = ins["SOPInstanceUID"].value helper.saveAsPngPIL(ds= ins, destination=f"./out/png_{StudyUID}/{insId}.png") # Demonstrates how to save DICOM files on the filesystem. print("Exporting images of the ImageSet in DICOM P10 format.") instances = helper.DICOMizeImageSet(datastore_id=datastoreId , image_set_id=imageSetId) for ins in instances: StudyUID = ins["StudyInstanceUID"].value helper.saveAsDICOM(ds= ins, destination=f"./out/dcm_{StudyUID}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()