replicaCount: 1 rbac: create: true serviceAccount: create: true # allow HMS connects to AWS resources via IRSA, such as S3 and KMS. annotations: {{EMRExecRole}} image: #replace it by your docker image name name: tag: 3.0.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent env: # enable s3a support HIVE_WAREHOUSE_S3LOCATION: {{S3BUCKET}} HIVE_WAREHOUSE_DIR: {{S3BUCKET}} # setup metastoreDB HIVE_DB_EXTERNAL: "true" HIVE_DB_DRIVER: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver HIVE_CONF_PARAMS: "hive.metastore.schema.verification:false;datanucleus.autoCreateSchema:false" HIVE_DB_JDBC_URL: {{RDS_JDBC_URL}} # sensitive variables mounted from EKS secret in the form of # - name: HIVE_DB_PASS <<