#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import aws_cdk as cdk from openemr_ecs.openemr_ecs_stack import OpenemrEcsStack # from cdk_nag import AwsSolutionsChecks, HIPAASecurityChecks app = cdk.App() # cdk.Aspects.of(app).add(AwsSolutionsChecks(verbose=True)) # cdk.Aspects.of(app).add(HIPAASecurityChecks(verbose=True)) OpenemrEcsStack(app, "OpenemrEcsStack", # If you don't specify 'env', this stack will be environment-agnostic. # Account/Region-dependent features and context lookups will not work, # but a single synthesized template can be deployed anywhere. # Uncomment the next line to specialize this stack for the AWS Account # and Region that are implied by the current CLI configuration. env=cdk.Environment( account=os.getenv('CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT'), region=os.getenv('CDK_DEFAULT_REGION') ), # Uncomment the next line if you know exactly what Account and Region you # want to deploy the stack to. */ #env=cdk.Environment(account='123456789012', region='us-east-1'), # For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/environments.html ) app.synth()