/* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 */ # Variables that define project configuration variable "region" { description = "AWS Region." type = string default = "eu-west-1" } variable "project_name" { description = "Name of the project." type = string default = "hubspoke-inspection" } # Spoke VPCs variable "spoke_vpcs" { description = "Spoke VPCs definition." type = any default = { "spoke-vpc-1" = { cidr_block = "" workload_subnet_netmask = 28 endpoint_subnet_netmask = 28 tgw_subnet_netmask = 28 number_azs = 2 instance_type = "t2.micro" flow_log_config = { log_destination_type = "cloud-watch-logs" retention_in_days = 7 } } "spoke-vpc-2" = { cidr_block = "" workload_subnet_netmask = 28 endpoint_subnet_netmask = 28 tgw_subnet_netmask = 28 number_azs = 2 instance_type = "t2.micro" flow_log_config = { log_destination_type = "cloud-watch-logs" retention_in_days = 7 } } } } # Inspection VPC variable "inspection_vpc" { description = "Inspection VPC definition." type = any default = { cidr_block = "" public_subnet_netmask = 28 private_subnet_netmask = 28 tgw_subnet_netmask = 28 number_azs = 2 } }