# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # --- root/outputs.tf --- output "vpcs_id" { value = { for k, v in module.vpcs : k => v.vpc_attributes.id } description = "VPCs created." } output "transit_gateway_id" { value = aws_ec2_transit_gateway.tgw.id description = "Transit Gateway ID." } output "transit_gateway_route_tables" { value = { for k, v in module.tgw_route_tables : k => v.id if v != null} description = "TGW Route Tables ID created." } output "vpc_endpoints" { value = { for k, v in module.vpc_endpoints : k => v.endpoints_info } description = "ID of the VPC endpoints created." } output "ec2_instances" { value = { for k, v in module.compute : k => v.instances_created } description = "ID of the EC2 instances created." } output "network_firewall" { value = { for k, v in module.anfw : k => v.network_firewall.arn } description = "ARN of the Network Firewall resources created." }