# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # --- root/variables.tf --- # AWS REGION variable "aws_region" { type = string description = "AWS Region to create the environment." default = "us-west-2" } # PROJECT IDENTIFIER variable "project_identifier" { type = string description = "Project Name, used as identifer when creating resources." default = "traffic-segmentation-with-inspection" } # NUMBER OF AVAILABILITY ZONES TO USE variable "number_azs" { type = number description = "Number of Availability Zones to use." default = 2 } # LOGGING DESTINATION FOR VPC FLOW LOGS AND AWS NETWORK FIREWALL (CloudWatch Logs by default) variable "logging_destination" { description = "Logging destination for VPC Flow Logs and AWS Network Firewall (CloudWatch Logs by default)." type = object({ vpc_flow_logs = optional(string) # Options: "cloud-watch-logs", "s3", "none" network_firewall = optional(string) # Options: "cloud-watch-logs", "s3", "kinesis-firehose", "none" }) default = { vpc_flow_logs = "cloud-watch-logs" network_firewall = "cloud-watch-logs" } } # ENABLING TRAFFIC INSPECTION OR NOT IN THE ENVIRONMENT (Enabled between segments by default) variable "traffic_inspection" { description = "Enabling traffic inspection (enabled between routing domains by default)." type = object({ prod = optional(bool) non-prod = optional(bool) cross-domains = optional(bool) }) default = { prod = false non-prod = false cross-domains = true } }