Feature: Disable PB Exceptions API Scenario: Positive Scenario - pb exception applied Given the api "/account/exceptions/pb-exception/disable" exists And an authorized user exists And payload contains "aws-portal:ViewAccount" for exception disablement And the accounts metadata has action "aws-portal:ViewAccount" in pb_exceptions And the permission boundary has action "aws-portal:ViewAccount" set When disable pb exception api is invoked Then api returns a response code of 200 And response contains a message "Successfully updated 'pb_exceptions' for account" And the accounts metadata does not have action "aws-portal:ViewAccount" in pb_exceptions And the permission boundary does not have action "aws-portal:ViewAccount" set Scenario: Negative Scenario - unauthorized user Given the api "/account/exceptions/pb-exception/disable" exists And an unauthorized user exists And payload contains "aws-portal:ViewAccount" for exception disablement When disable pb exception api is invoked Then api returns a response code of 401