openapi: '3.0.0' info: description: This App contains API used to generate RDS Patch Info Report for all databases for each VPCx Accounts in each region. version: 1.0.0 title: RDS Pending Maintenance Actions Report servers: - url: [Dev] - url: [QA] - url: [Prod] components: securitySchemes: oauth2: type: oauth2 description: This API uses OAuth 2. flows: implicit: authorizationUrl: scopes: user: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: scopes: app: security: - oauth2: [user, app] paths: /account/exceptions/pb-exception/verify: post: tags: - Verify Account PB Exceptions summary: Verifies if passed action is present in Account pb_exceptions and applied to permission boundary. requestBody: description: API Request body. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: project_id: type: string exception_actions: type: array items: type: string example: - ec2:StartInstance - states:* responses: '200': description: OK | Return Signed Url of Report if '?recreate=false' content: application/json: example: { "message": "'pb_exceptions' applied for actions '['ec2:StartInstance', 'states:*']' in account 'itxyz-000'." } '400': description: BAD_REQUEST | Invalid payload content: application/json: example: { "message": "Invalid payload. Request missing required field 'exception_actions' of type ." } '401': description: UnAuthorized content: application/json: example: { "error": { "code": "UnAuthorized", "message": "Signature has expired" } } '404': description: NOT_FOUND | Invalid AWS Account | Action not in pb | Action not in pb_exceptions content: application/json: example: { "message": "Actions '['states:*']' not found in 'pb_exceptions' for account 'itxyz-000'." } '500': description: Internal Server Error | Exception occured content: application/json: example: { "message": "Lambda execution failed. Details - mock exception" } /account/exceptions/pb-exception/enable: post: tags: - Enable Account PB Exceptions summary: Add action to Account pb_exceptions and permission boundary. requestBody: description: API Request body. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: project_id: type: string exception_actions: type: array items: type: string example: - ec2:StartInstance - states:* responses: '200': description: OK | Updated PB Exceptions for account content: application/json: example: { "message": "'pb_exceptions' applied for actions '['ec2:StartInstance', 'states:*']' in account 'itxyz-000'." } '400': description: BAD_REQUEST | Invalid payload | Invalid exceptiont action content: application/json: example: { "message": "Invalid payload. Request missing required field 'exception_actions' of type ." } '401': description: UnAuthorized content: application/json: example: { "error": { "code": "UnAuthorized", "message": "Signature has expired" } } '404': description: NOT_FOUND | Invalid AWS Account content: application/json: example: { "message": "Invalid AWS Account." } '500': description: Internal Server Error | Exception occured content: application/json: example: { "message": "Lambda execution failed. Details - mock exception" } /account/exceptions/pb-exception/disable: delete: tags: - Disable Account PB Exceptions summary: Removes actions from Account pb_exceptions and permission boundary. requestBody: description: API Request body. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: project_id: type: string exception_actions: type: array items: type: string example: - ec2:StartInstance - states:* responses: '200': description: OK | Updated PB Exceptions for account content: application/json: example: { "message": "Successfully updated 'pb_exceptions' for account 'itxyz-000'" } '400': description: BAD_REQUEST | Invalid payload content: application/json: example: { "message": "Invalid payload. Request missing required field 'exception_actions' of type ." } '401': description: UnAuthorized content: application/json: example: { "error": { "code": "UnAuthorized", "message": "Signature has expired" } } '404': description: NOT_FOUND | Invalid AWS Account content: application/json: example: { "message": "Invalid AWS Account." } '500': description: Internal Server Error | Exception occured content: application/json: example: { "message": "Lambda execution failed. Details - mock exception" }