#!/bin/bash # # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # Trap the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C) trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c() { echo "Stopping the script..." exit 1 } if [[ $# -ne 5 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 BUCKETNAME CLUSTER_NAME IBM_ENTITLEMENT_SECRET_ARN MONGODB_HOSTS DOCDB_SECRET_ARN" exit fi echo `date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` "Setting up the environment variables for MASCore Deployment" EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`curl -s` # The MongoDB role in ansible automation requires the AWS_REGION to be set export AWS_REGION="`echo \"$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\" | sed 's/[a-z]$//'`" # BUCKETNAME export BUCKETNAME=$1 # CLUSTER NAME export CLUSTER_NAME=$2 # Download entitlement.lic and pull-secret from S3 [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/entitlement.lic" ] && aws s3 cp s3://${BUCKETNAME}/entitlement.lic /root/install-dir/entitlement.lic --region ${AWS_REGION} [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/pull-secret.txt" ] && aws s3 cp s3://${BUCKETNAME}/pull-secret /root/install-dir/pull-secret.txt --region ${AWS_REGION} # Download the Certificate bundles for specific AWS Regions # Note this is the certificate that will be used for RDS and Document DB if [[ ${AWS_REGION} == *gov* ]]; then DBCRT="https://truststore.pki.us-gov-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com/${AWS_REGION}/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem"; else DBCRT="https://truststore.pki.rds.amazonaws.com/${AWS_REGION}/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem"; fi wget -q ${DBCRT} -P /root/install-dir/ [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem" ] && echo "The certificate bundle for the region not found. Ensure file is present in downloaded" && exit 1 aws s3 cp /root/install-dir/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem s3://${BUCKETNAME}/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem --region ${AWS_REGION} # Entitlement Key secret ARN export IBM_ENTITLEMENT_SECRET_ARN=$3 export IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY=`aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $IBM_ENTITLEMENT_SECRET_ARN --region $AWS_REGION | jq -r ."SecretString"` # List of Mongo Hosts with Ports export MONGODB_HOSTS=$4 # Document DB username and password secret ARN export DOCDB_SECRET_ARN=$5 export MONGODB_ADMIN_USERNAME=`aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $DOCDB_SECRET_ARN --region $AWS_REGION | jq -r ."SecretString"|jq -r .username` export MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=`aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $DOCDB_SECRET_ARN --region $AWS_REGION | jq -r ."SecretString"|jq -r .password` export MAS_INSTANCE_ID=masinst1 export MAS_CONFIG_DIR=/root/install-dir/masconfig export MONGODB_ACTION=install export SLS_LICENSE_FILE=/root/install-dir/entitlement.lic export SLS_LICENSE_ID=`head -1 $SLS_LICENSE_FILE| cut -d" " -f3` [ -z "$SLS_LICENSE_ID" ] && echo "Could not fetch SLS License ID. Check the entitlement.lic file" && exit 1 export PULL_SECRET_FILE=/root/install-dir/pull-secret.txt [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/pull-secret.txt" ] && echo "pull-secret file not found. Ensure file is present in the pre-requisite s3 bucket" && exit 1 export UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL=`cat $PULL_SECRET_FILE| jq -r '.[]|."cloud.openshift.com"."email"'` [ -z "$UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL" ] && echo "Could not fetch email ID from pull secret. Check if pull secret is valid" && exit 1 export UDS_CONTACT_FIRSTNAME=$UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL export UDS_CONTACT_LASTNAME=$UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL #Default Storage class export DEFAULT_SC=`oc get sc | grep default | awk '{print $1}'` #Set the EFS as storage class for Prometheus Storage class, all else would be default export PROMETHEUS_ALERTMGR_STORAGE_CLASS="efs" export PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_CLASS=$DEFAULT_SC export PROMETHEUS_USERWORKLOAD_STORAGE_CLASS=$DEFAULT_SC export GRAFANA_INSTANCE_STORAGE_CLASS=$DEFAULT_SC #export MONGODB_STORAGE_CLASS="gp2" # Required if MongoDB Storage class is community export UDS_STORAGE_CLASS=$DEFAULT_SC echo `date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` "Installing the MAS Operator on the OCP Cluster" # Install the MAS Operator #ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.oneclick_core export ROLE_NAME=ibm_catalogs && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=common_services && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=cert_manager && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role # Check if the Certificate bundles for specific AWS Region is downloaded [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem" ] && echo "DB certificate not present. Please check install-dir folder" && exit 1 export MONGODB_PROVIDER=aws export SLS_MONGO_RETRYWRITES=false export MONGODB_CA_PEM_LOCAL_FILE=/root/install-dir/${AWS_REGION}-bundle.pem export MONGODB_RETRY_WRITES=$SLS_MONGO_RETRYWRITES export ROLE_NAME=gencfg_mongo && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role #SLS [ ! -f "/root/install-dir/masconfig/mongo-mongoce.yml" ] && echo "Mongo mas config file must be present" && exit 1 export SLS_NAMESPACE=ibm-sls export SLS_MONGODB_CFG_FILE="/root/install-dir/masconfig/mongo-mongoce.yml" envsubst < /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/masocp-products-config-template.yaml > /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/masocp-products-config.yaml envsubst < /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/cloudcredentialrequest-config-template.yaml > /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/cloudcredentialrequest-config.yaml oc new-project "$SLS_NAMESPACE" oc create -f /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/masocp-products-config.yaml -n "$SLS_NAMESPACE" oc create -f /root/ibm-mas-on-aws/config/cloudcredentialrequest-config.yaml -n "$SLS_NAMESPACE" export ROLE_NAME=sls && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role # UDS export ROLE_NAME=uds && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role ## Install and Configure MAS export MAS_WORKSPACE_ID=masdev export MAS_WORKSPACE_NAME="MAS Workspace" export ROLE_NAME=gencfg_workspace && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=suite_dns && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=suite_certs && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=suite_install && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=suite_config && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role export ROLE_NAME=suite_verify && ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.run_role # Create a secret with the MAS Admin console secrets if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo `date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` "Installation of MAS core failed" exit 1 else # Create a secret with MAS Credentials EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`curl -s` export AWS_REGION="`echo \"$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\" | sed 's/[a-z]$//'`" export MAS_PASSWORD=`oc get secret ${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-credentials-superuser -n mas-${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-core -o yaml | yq -r .data.password | base64 -d` [ -z "$MAS_PASSWORD" ] && exit 1 export MAS_USERNAME=`oc get secret ${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-credentials-superuser -n mas-${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-core -o yaml | yq -r .data.username | base64 -d` [ -z $MAS_USERNAME ] && exit 1 export MAS_ADMIN_URL=`oc get route ${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-admin -n mas-${MAS_INSTANCE_ID}-core -o yaml | yq -r .status.ingress[0].host` [ -z $MAS_ADMIN_URL ] && exit 1 export INFRAID=$CLUSTER_NAME"-mas-creds" [ -f "/root/install-dir/metadata.json" ] && export INFRAID=`cat /root/install-dir/metadata.json | jq -r .infraID`"-mas-creds" echo `date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` "Creating secret for MAS Admin console in Secrets Manager ......... " $INFRAID aws secretsmanager create-secret \ --name $INFRAID \ --description "MAS Admin Console credentials" \ --secret-string "{\"user\":\"${MAS_USERNAME}\",\"password\":\"${MAS_PASSWORD}\",\"consoleurl\":\"${MAS_ADMIN_URL}\"}" \ --region $AWS_REGION fi