import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm import resampy import librosa from import Dataset try: def wav_read(wav_file): wav_data, sr =, dtype='int16') return wav_data, sr except ImportError: def wav_read(wav_file): raise NotImplementedError('WAV file reading requires soundfile package.') class SoundDataset(Dataset): """Create Sound Dataset with loading wav files and labels from csv. Attributes: params: A class containing all the parameters. data_type: A string indicating train or val. csvfile: A string containing our wav files and labels. normalize: A boolean indicating spectrogram is normalized to -1 to 1 or not. mixup: A boolean indicating whether to do mixup augmentation or not. preload: A boolean indicating whether to preload the spectrogram into memory or not. """ def __init__(self, params): """Init SoundDataset with params Args: params (class): all arguments parsed from argparse train (bool): train or val dataset """ self.params = params self.csvfile = params.csv_path self.data_dir = params.data_dir self.normalize = self.params.normalize self.preload = self.params.preload self.X, self.Y, self.filenames = self.read_data(self.csvfile) if self.preload: self.X = self.convert_to_spec(self.X) self.shape = self.get_shape(self.X[0]) else: self.shape = self.get_shape(self.preprocessing(self.X[0][0], self.X[0][1])) def read_data(self, csvfile): """Read wav file from csv Args: csvfile: A string specifying the path of csvfile Return: data: A list of tuple (wav data in np.int16 data type, sampling rate of wav file) label: A list of labels corresponding to the wav data filenames: A list of filenames of the wav file """ df = pd.read_csv(csvfile) data, label, filenames = [], [], [] print("reading wav files...") for i in tqdm(range(len(df))): row = df.iloc[i] path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, row.Filename + ".wav") wav_data, sr = wav_read(path) assert wav_data.dtype == np.int16 data.append((wav_data, sr)) label.append(row.Label) filenames.append(path) return data, label, filenames def convert_to_spec(self, data): """Convert wav_data into log mel spectrogram. Args: data: A list of tuple (wav data in np.int16 data type, sampling rate of wav file) Return: A list of log mel spectrogram """ print("convert to log mel spectrogram...") return [self.preprocessing(wav, sr) for wav, sr in tqdm(data)] def spec_to_image(self, specs, eps=1e-6): """ normalize the input Args: specs: A list of log mel spectrogram Return: A list of normalized log mel spectrogram """ x = [] for spec in specs: spec = np.squeeze(np.array(spec)) mean = spec.mean() std = spec.std() spec_norm = (spec - mean) / (std + eps) spec_min, spec_max = spec_norm.min(), spec_norm.max() spec_scaled = (spec_norm - spec_min) / (spec_max - spec_min) spec_scaled = np.reshape(spec_scaled, (1, spec_scaled.shape[0], spec_scaled.shape[1])) x.append(spec_scaled) return np.array(x).astype('float32') def get_shape(self, x): """Get the shape of input data. """ return x.shape def preprocessing(self, wav_data, sr): """Convert wav_data to log mel spectrogram. 1. normalize the wav_data 2. convert the wav_data into mono-channel 3. resample the wav_data to the sampling rate we want 4. compute the log mel spetrogram with librosa function Args: wav_data: An np.array indicating wav data in np.int16 datatype sr: An integer specifying the sampling rate of this wav data Return: inpt: An np.array indicating the log mel spectrogram of data """ # normalize wav_data if self.normalize == 'peak': samples = wav_data/np.max(wav_data) elif self.normalize == 'rms': rms_level = 0 r = 10**(rms_level / 10.0) a = np.sqrt((len(wav_data) * r**2) / np.sum(wav_data**2)) samples = wav_data * a else: samples = wav_data / 32768.0 # convert samples to mono-channel file if len(samples.shape) > 1: samples = np.mean(samples, axis=1) # resample samples to 8k if sr != samples = resampy.resample(samples, sr, # transform samples to mel spectrogram inpt_x = 500 spec = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(samples,, n_fft=self.params.nfft, hop_length=self.params.hop, n_mels=self.params.mel) spec_db = librosa.power_to_db(spec).T spec_db = np.concatenate((spec_db, np.zeros((inpt_x - spec_db.shape[0], self.params.mel))), axis=0) if spec_db.shape[0] < inpt_x else spec_db[:inpt_x] inpt = np.reshape(spec_db, (1, spec_db.shape[0], spec_db.shape[1])) # inpt = np.reshape(spec_db, (spec_db.shape[0], spec_db.shape[1])) return inpt.astype('float32') def __len__(self): return len(self.X) def __getitem__(self, idx): spec = self.X[idx] if self.params.preload else self.preprocessing(self.X[idx][0], self.X[idx][1]) label = self.Y[idx] return spec.astype('float32'), label class SoundDataset_test(SoundDataset): def __init__(self, params): self.params = params self.csvfile = params.csv_path self.data_dir = params.data_dir self.normalize = self.params.normalize self.preload = self.params.preload self.X, self.Y, self.filenames = self.read_data(self.csvfile) if self.preload: self.X = self.convert_to_spec(self.X) self.shape = self.get_shape(self.X[0]) else: self.shape = self.get_shape(self.preprocessing(self.X[0][0], self.X[0][1])) def read_data(self, csvfile): df = pd.read_csv(csvfile) data, label, filenames = [], [], [] print("reading wav files...") for i in tqdm(range(len(df))): row = df.iloc[i] path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, row.Filename + ".wav") wav_data, sr = wav_read(path) assert wav_data.dtype == np.int16 data.append((wav_data, sr)) lb = None if row.Barking == 1: lb = 0 elif row.Howling == 1: lb = 1 elif row.Crying == 1: lb = 2 elif row.COSmoke == 1: lb = 3 elif row.GlassBreaking == 1: lb = 4 elif row.Other == 1: lb = 5 label.append(lb) filenames.append(path) return data, label, filenames