import json, random, string, os, math, time, datetime, dateutil.parser import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import logging from FHIRClient import FHIRClient logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ## Establish the connection to SMART on FHIR backend services fhirclient = FHIRClient( os.environ['client_id'], os.environ['endpoint_token'], os.environ['endpoint_stu3'], os.environ['kms_key_id'] ) """ --- Helpers to build responses which match the structure of the necessary dialog actions --- """ def elicit_slot(session_attributes, intent_name, slots, slot_to_elicit, message, response_card): return { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'ElicitSlot', 'intentName': intent_name, 'slots': slots, 'slotToElicit': slot_to_elicit, 'message': message, 'responseCard': response_card } } def confirm_intent(session_attributes, intent_name, slots, message, response_card): return { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'ConfirmIntent', 'intentName': intent_name, 'slots': slots, 'message': message, 'responseCard': response_card } } def close(session_attributes, fulfillment_state, message): response = { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'Close', 'fulfillmentState': fulfillment_state, 'message': message } } return response def delegate(session_attributes, slots): return { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'Delegate', 'slots': slots } } def build_response_card(title, subtitle, options): """ Build a responseCard with a title, subtitle, and an optional set of options which should be displayed as buttons. """ buttons = None if len(options) > 1: buttons = [] for i in range(min(5, len(options))): buttons.append(options[i]) return { 'contentType': 'application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic', 'version': 1, 'genericAttachments': [{ 'title': title, 'subTitle': subtitle, 'buttons': buttons }] } else: return { 'contentType': 'application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic', 'version': 1, 'genericAttachments': [{ 'title': title, 'subTitle': subtitle }] } """ --- Functions that control the bot's behavior --- """ def getPatientAuth(intent_request): """ Authenticate caller and return FHIR STU3 patient ID for the following query """ logger.debug('intent request: {}'.format(intent_request)) output_session_attributes = intent_request['currentIntent']['slots'] if intent_request['currentIntent']['slots'] is not None else {} telecom = intent_request['sessionAttributes']['telecom'] if intent_request['sessionAttributes']['telecom'] is not None else {} ## format phone number telecom = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(telecom[-10:-7], telecom[-7:-4], telecom[-4:]) logger.debug('phone number after tranformation: {}'.format(telecom)) patientinfo = { 'birthdate': output_session_attributes['patientBirthday'], 'gender': output_session_attributes['patientGender'], 'telecom': telecom } r = fhirclient.get_patient(patientinfo) output_session_attributes['patientid']=r['response'] if r['status']==200: statusMessage = "Thank you for authenticating" else: statusMessage = "I'm sorry, I didn't find a patient with that information" return close( output_session_attributes, 'Fulfilled', { 'contentType': 'PlainText', 'content': statusMessage } ) def getMedHelp(intent_request): """ Retrieve Medication Information for a given patient """'intent request: {}'.format(intent_request)) output_session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes'] if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None else {} patientid = output_session_attributes['patientid'] if output_session_attributes['patientid'] is not None else {} res = fhirclient.get_meds(patientid) logger.debug(res) if res['status']==200: if type(res['response'])==str: outputtext = res['response'] else: outputtext = 'I have found the following medications and instructions for you. ' for med in res["response"]: outputtext += med['medicationReference'] + '. ' if 'dosage' in med and 'patientInstruction' in med['dosage'][0]: outputtext += 'The dosage for this is the following... ' + med['dosage'][0]['patientInstruction'] else: outputtext += 'I did not find a dosage for this medication. ' else: outputtext = 'I do not have any medication for you.' return close( output_session_attributes, 'Fulfilled', { 'contentType': 'PlainText', 'content': outputtext } ) """ --- Intents --- """ def dispatch(intent_request): """ Called when the user specifies an intent for this bot. """ logger.debug (intent_request) intent_name = intent_request['currentIntent']['name'] # Dispatch to your bot's intent handlers if intent_name == 'getAppointments': return findFutureAppt(intent_request) if intent_name == 'getMedication': return getMedHelp(intent_request) if intent_name == 'authenticateUser': return getPatientAuth(intent_request) raise Exception('Intent with name ' + intent_name + ' not supported') """ --- Main handler --- """ def lambda_handler(event, context): """ Route the incoming request based on intent. The JSON body of the request is provided in the event slot. """ # By default, treat the user request as coming from the America/New_York time zone. os.environ['TZ'] = 'America/New_York' time.tzset() logger.debug('{}'.format(event['bot']['name'])) return dispatch(event)