# 2. Deploying the AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Demo Follow the steps bellow to deploy the demo on your AWS account. You should type the commmands on a terminal windown from your Cloud9 environment. ## Cloning our repo You must also clone our GitHub repo: ``` git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo.git iot-secure-tunneling ``` ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/deploy/deploy2.gif) ## Deploying the demo Finally, run the following command in order to depoy the demo: ``` cd ~/environment/iot-secure-tunneling/ ./bin/deploy.sh https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo ``` ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/deploy/deploy3.gif) ## AWS resources created After the script runs, you should see as the last line of the command output: **Successfully deployed the demo**. You now have all the AWS resources needed to run this demo. The picture bellow illustrates that: ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/deploy/deploy4.png) [Back: 1. Prerequisites](./prereqs.md) | [Next: 3. Testing the demo](./test.md)