# 1. AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Demo Prerequisites - CloudShell ## CloudShell First-Time Use You will want to set your AWS region (however you will not need to provide your AWS access key ID or secret access key). ``` aws configure ``` For example, if you are using the us-east-1 type 'us-east-1' when prompted. ## Installing the prerequisites In AWS CloudShell, type the following commands to setup your environment: ``` sudo npm update -g sudo npm install -g aws-cdk sudo yum install -y libatomic sudo yum install -y openssl11-devel ``` Please note that the instructions will use *~/environment* which is the root directory for Cloud9 applications. CloudShell does not use that as a root directory and so you can leave that out of any commands you run. [Back: index](../README.md) | [Next: 2. Deploying the demo](./deploy.md)