# 1. AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Demo Prerequisites *Note: You can run this demo either with AWS Cloud9 or AWS CloudShell. If you want to leverage [AWS CloudShell](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/) please use these [prereq docs instead](./prereqs-cloudshell.md).* ## Setup Cloud9 Environment Before you can start, you have to make sure your AWS Clpoud 9 environment is up and running and current. Navigate to the Cloud9 console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloud9 Once you navigate to the Cloud9 console, click on the create environment button: ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-1.png) Type a name for your environment and click **Next step**: ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-2.png) **Make sure you choose Ubuntu** as the platform. The reason for that is that this demo provides a copy of the distributables of local-proxy previously built for Ubuntu. Leave all the rest with the default configuration, and click **Next step**: ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-3.png) Click **Create environment**. After a couple of minutes, your environment should look like the following image: ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-4.png) (Optional) If you prefer a dark theme, chose the theme in the top menu: **View > Themes > Cloud9 > Cloud 9 Night**. ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-5.png) During the demo, you will be running commands on your Cloud9 terminal.
Where is my Cloud9 Terminal? ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/cloud9/screenshot-cloud9-6.png)
## Installing the prerequisites On your Cloud9 Environment, type the following commands to setup your environment: ``` sudo apt-get install -y jq npm update -g ``` ![](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-secure-tunneling-demo/blob/docs/imgs/deploy/deploy1.gif) [Back: index](../README.md) | [Next: 2. Deploying the demo](./deploy.md)