# Trust all peers in the cluster or restict trust to some peers? CLUSTER_CRDT_TRUSTEDPEERS=* # How fast you want new peers to be detected CLUSTER_MONITORPINGINTERVAL=2s # The IP Address of the IPFS API IPFS Cluster can connect to CLUSTER_IPFSHTTP_NODEMULTIADDRESS=/ip4/ # Enter the ip/port IPFS Cluster HTTP API will listen on CLUSTER_RESTAPI_HTTPLISTENMULTIADDRESS=/ip4/ # The login:password combination needed to secure the IPFS Cluster API' # CLUSTER_RESTAPI_BASICAUTHCREDENTIALS=admin:p@ssw0rd # Provide the ID of your main IPFS Cluster node # MinLength: 52, # AllowedPattern: '^.{52}$' # CLUSTER_ID=12D3KooWRjwfEtpPmnnjkUbwv4mWtWoUdmKemcqwfLNFGPV3P8PC # Provide the PRIVATE KEY of your main IPFS Cluster node # MinLength: 92 # AllowedPattern: '^.{92}$' # CLUSTER_PRIVATEKEY=CAESQGM5s/BsNF06WZ6Kzn4uAnPGsgXo6Ir3hmcW981bo8v57Jj0nPJGTB86m95dygxailhiWgVEB0qf+N8Nd7ozaxM= # The SECRET to share amongst all IPFS CLuster nodes to restrict access # MinLength: 64 # AllowedPattern: '^.{64}$' # CLUSTER_SECRET=221813dc706c2d1baaf0a15a8710e3c5e2072783c49d214243540044f21a7315 # If the numboer of AZ that support one-zone efs is less than three, # set ONE_ZONE_FS to false will create a multi-az efs # with 3 different access point insteaded.w ONE_ZONE_EFS=True # Set Removal Policy to DESTROY if True # Deafult is Retain EFS_REMOVE_ON_DELETE=True # Enable ECS exec ECS_EXEC=False # Scale out the cluster by increasing the number of node per AZ # NOTE: DECREASE the number will scale in the cluster. # However, Scale in without proper configuration may cause data loss NODE_PER_AZ=1