# Unity Build Pipeline with Jenkins and Amazon EC2 Mac Instances [![Build](https://github.com/aws-samples/jenkins-unity-build-on-aws/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/aws-samples/jenkins-unity-build-on-aws/actions/workflows/build.yml) 日本語の記事はこちら: [Unityモバイルアプリのビルドパイプラインを実装する](https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/unity-mobile-app-build-pipeline/) This is a starter kit for Unity build pipeline with Jenkins and Amazon EC2 Linux/Mac instances on AWS. Features include: * Jenkins controller on Amazon ECS Fargate * Jenkins agents on Amazon EC2 Linux / Windows Spot fleet and EC2 Mac instances * Optional container support for Jenkins agents * Unity Accelerator on EC2 Linux * Amazon EBS volume pool to keep build caches warm and reuse them across jobs * Highly automated provisioning through AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) ## Overview Here is the architecture of this project. Please also read [How it works section](#how-it-works) for additional consideration on this architecture. ![architecture](docs/imgs/architecture.svg) All the AWS resources in the diagram are provisioned automatically using AWS CDK. Please also refer to this project to deploy [Unity floating licese servers](https://unity.com/products/unity-build-server) on AWS: [aws-samples/unity-build-server-with-aws-cdk](https://github.com/aws-samples/unity-build-server-with-aws-cdk). ## Deploy To deploy this project to your own AWS account, please follow the steps below. 日本語のデプロイ手順もあります: [deployment_ja.md](docs/deployment_ja.md) ### 0. Prerequisites You must have the following dependencies installed to deploy this sample: * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) (v16 or newer) * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) * [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html) and a configured IAM profile with Administrator policy ### 1. Set parameters Before you deploy it, you need to set several parameters. The Jenkins controller's initial admin password is set in [jenkins.yaml.ejs](lib/construct/jenkins/resources/config/jenkins.yaml.ejs). It is recommended to update the password to a sufficiently strong one (the default is `passw0rd`.) ```yaml users: - id: admin password: passw0rd ``` Please open [bin/jenkins-unity-build.ts](./bin/jenkins-unity-build.ts). There are a few parameters you can configure. ```ts new JenkinsUnityBuildStack(app, 'JenkinsUnityBuildStack', { env: { region: 'us-east-2', // account: '123456789012', }, allowedCidrs: [''], // certificateArn: "", }); ``` The `allowedCidrs` property specifies IP address ranges that can access the Jenkins web UI ALB. You should set these ranges as narrowly as possible to prevent unwanted users from accessing your Jenkins UI. To change the AWS region (the default is us-east-2, Ohio), please replace `region: us-east-2` with another region. For additional security, you can [create an AWS Certificate Manager certificate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-request-public.html), and import it by setting `certificateArn` and `env.account` in the above code to encrypt the data transferred through the ALB with TLS. By default, Jenkins Web GUI is accessed via HTTP. ### 2. Setup CDK After confirming the parameters, you can proceed to CDK deployment. First, you need to setup the CDK environment by running the following command: ```sh npm ci npx cdk bootstrap ``` You only need those commands once for your AWS environment (pair of account ID and region.) ### 3. Run cdk deploy Now you are ready to deploy the CDK project. ```sh npx cdk deploy ``` The first deployment should take about 15 minutes. You can also use the `npx cdk deploy` command to deploy when you change your CDK templates in the future. After a successful deployment, you will get a CLI output as below: ``` ✅ JenkinsUnityBuildStack ✨ Deployment time: 67.1s Outputs: JenkinsUnityBuildStack.JenkinsMacAgent1InstanceId39041E59 = i-xxxxxxxxxxx JenkinsUnityBuildStack.JenkinsControllerServiceLoadBalancerDNS8A32739E = Jenki-Jenki-1234567890.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com JenkinsUnityBuildStack.JenkinsControllerServiceServiceURL6DCB4BEE = http://Jenki-Jenki-1234567890.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com JenkinsUnityBuildStack.UnityAcceleratorEndpointC89B3A26 = accelerator.build:10080 JenkinsUnityBuildStack.UnityAcceleratorInstanceIdC7EEEEA7 = i-yyyyyyyyyyy ``` By opening the URL in `JenkinsControllerServiceServiceURL` output, you can now access to Jenkins Web GUI. Please login with the username and password you entered in `jenkins.yaml.ejs`. ![jenkins_gui](docs/imgs/jenkins_gui.png) **NOTE:** You may observe that the Jenkins controller initialization process takes longer time (>3 minutes), because Jenkins needs to copy all the required files to an [Amazon EFS volume](https://aws.amazon.com/efs/) on the very first boot. If you see a 503 error, please reload the page after a few minutes and you will get a login page soon. You will NOT see such a long initialization after the second boot because all the files have already been copied to the EFS volume. ### 4. Provision Amazon EC2 Mac instance Note that EC2 Mac instances are not yet provisioned at the previous step. To provision one, **you have to uncomment the `macAmiId` property** in [bin/jenkins-unity-build.ts](./bin/jenkins-unity-build.ts) and provide an AMI ID for the instance. ```ts new JenkinsUnityBuildStack(app, 'JenkinsUnityBuildStack', { macAmiId: 'ami-0xxxxxx', // Provide the AMI ID }); ``` Technically, you do NOT have to deploy Mac instances and other resources separately, but in this example we deliberately separate them to avoid possible rollback and rollback failure. A Mac dedicated host has [some limitations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-mac-instances.html#mac-instance-release-dedicated-host) that complicate the CloudFormation rollback process. You can obtain an AMI ID for Mac instances from [the AMI Catalog](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home#AMICatalog:). We use Intel Mac by default, so please select the `64-bit (Mac)` version. If you want to use the Apple silicon (M1 or Mac-Arm) version, open [`jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts`](lib/jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts) and change `instanceType` property of an `AgentMac` construct. Please also careful about the AWS region of your management console; it must match the region where you deployed the system. ![mac select AMI](docs/imgs/mac-select-ami.png) You will also need to **check the quota** for your AWS account to run a Mac instance. See [`Service Quotas` page](https://console.aws.amazon.com/servicequotas/home/services/ec2/quotas). You have to increase the quotas with the following name: * `Running Dedicated mac1 Hosts`: the number of Intel Mac instances * `Running Dedicated mac2 Hosts`: the number of M1 Mac instances (Only if you select `mac2.metal` as the `instanceType` property) ![mac quota](docs/imgs/mac-quota.png) When all of the above are confirmed, run `npx cdk deploy` command again and your Mac instance will be provisioned and registered as a Jenkins agent. **NOTE:** It is possible that the availability zone in which you tried to deploy the instance does not support Mac instances yet. Or your vpc (when imported) does not have private subnets (with NAT gateway) available. If you see a provisioning error, you can change a subnet using the code in [`jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts`](lib/jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts). ```ts new AgentMac(this, 'JenkinsMacAgent1', { vpc, // change this to subnet: vpc.privateSubnets[0], vpc.isolatedSubnets[0], vpc.isolatedSubnets[1], etc. subnet: vpc.privateSubnets[1], ``` ### 5. (Optional) Setup the Amazon EC2 Mac instance To use the Mac instance for a Unity build, you may want to configure it manually (e.g. by installing Xcode or other dependencies). You can configure it using Remote Desktop and reuse the configuration for another Mac instance. Please refer to the [Setup EC2 Mac instance](docs/setup-mac-instance.md) document for more details. ## Usage After the deployment, you can test the system using the pre-installed Jenkins jobs. * Run `agent-test` job to test all registered Jenkins agents (EC2 Linux, Mac, Docker). * the job definition can be found at [agentTestJob.xml](lib/construct/jenkins/resources/config/agentTestJob.xml) To build a Unity client or asset bundle, you can freely use Linux agents and Mac agents to implement your build pipeline. The available agent labels are the following: * `linux`: Agents of Amazon Linux 2. It is intended for heavy tasks. * `small`: Agents of Amazon Linux 2 but for smaller tasks (will run on t3.small). * `mac`: Agents of EC2 Mac instances. In addition, both `linux` and `small` support the [Docker plugin](https://plugins.jenkins.io/docker-plugin/). A sample Jenkinsfile for building an iOS client using these agents can be found [here](https://github.com/tmokmss/com.unity.multiplayer.samples.coop/blob/main/Jenkinsfile). Note that this sample job requires you to prepare a Unity license and iOS signing certificates in order to run properly. It is also recommended to additionally use [Unity floating license server](https://unity.com/products/unity-build-server) to manage your Unity licenses. To deploy a license server, you can use this sample project: [Unity Build Server with AWS CDK](https://github.com/aws-samples/unity-build-server-with-aws-cdk) ### Accessing Unity Accelerator You can make the build faster by using [Unity Accelerator](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityAccelerator.html), which is already included and running in this sample. You can access the accelerator from Jenkins agents using the `$UNITY_ACCELERATOR_ENDPOINT` environment variable or the endpoint `accelerator.build:10080`. To use it from Unity Editor batch mode, add the following command arguments. See [this forum thread](https://forum.unity.com/threads/usage-in-batchmode.819543/) for more details: ```sh unity-editor \ -cacheServerEndpoint "accelerator.build:10080" \ -cacheServerNamespacePrefix "MyProject" \ -cacheServerEnableDownload true \ -cacheServerEnableUpload true \ -adb2 -enableCacheServer ``` You can access the accelerator's web UI to view detailed metrics or the current running status. Use SSM port-forwarding to access it locally. ```sh # Look for the accelerator's instance ID in the EC2 management console. aws ssm start-session \ --target i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \ --parameters '{"portNumber":["80"], "localPortNumber":["8080"]}' ``` Then open `http://localhost:8080` and you will see a page like the one below. ![accelerator](docs/imgs/accelerator.png) When prompted for credentials, use the following: * username: admin * password: passw0rd These values are specified in [unity-accelerator-init-config.yaml](lib/construct/resources/unity-accelerator-init-config.yaml), and you can change them as you like by modifying the yaml file and running `cdk deploy`. The performance of Unity Accelerator can be improved by placing the instance in the same availability zone as the build agents, due to the lower latency between them. You can try this configuration by explicitly setting a subnet in [`jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts`](lib/jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts). ```ts const accelerator = new UnityAccelerator(this, 'UnityAccelerator', { // omitted subnet: vpc.privateSubnets[0], }); const agentEc2 = new AgentEC2(this, 'JenkinsLinuxAgent', { // omitted subnets: [vpc.privateSubnets[0]], }); ``` ### Add another Amazon EC2 Mac instance By default, we provision only one Mac instance. You can add more Mac instances by the following steps. 1. Check Quotas * You have to have enough quotas to provision your Mac instances. See [`Service Quotas` page](https://console.aws.amazon.com/servicequotas/home/services/ec2/quotas). Please also refer to [this section](#4-provision-ec2-mac-instance) for more details. 2. Modify the CDK code * Open [`jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts`](lib/jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts) and add new Mac agents to the `macAgents` list. See the below code: ```ts if (props.macAmiId != null) { macAgents.push( new AgentMac(this, 'JenkinsMacAgent1', { // omitted }), ); // Add this macAgents.push( // Note that you need to make the 2nd argument unique new AgentMac(this, 'JenkinsMacAgent2', { // copy all the properties from above. // You can set the AMI ID created from your first Mac instance here // to avoid having to rebuild the environment (e.g. installing Xcode). // See also docs/setup-mac-instance.md. amiId: 'ami-xxxxxxxxxxx', }), ); } ``` 3. Deploy * Run `npx cdk deploy` command. When the deployment is complete, you will see a new Mac instance registered as a Jenkins agent. ### Accessing the Jenkins controller file system If you want to directly access the Jenkins file system, you can [open an interactive shell](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs-exec.html) on the Jenkins controller container. In the [ECS management console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/v2/clusters), find the cluster name and the running task id of the Jenkins controller. Then enter the command below (replace `CLUSTER_NAME` and `TASK_ID`): ```sh aws ecs execute-command --cluster CLUSTER_NAME \ --task TASK_ID \ --container main \ --interactive \ --command "/bin/bash" ``` You can now look into the file system directly: `cd /var/jenkins_home` ## How it works This project requires several architectural considerations, which we will cover in this section. ### Offload build tasks from Amazon EC2 Mac instances to Linux spot instances To reduce the cost of EC2 Mac instances, it is desirable to use EC2 Linux spot instances as well as EC2 Mac instances to build Unity applications. Most parts of the Unity build process can be done on Linux servers, while specifically Xcode build requires a Mac instance. By offloading those build tasks to EC2 Linux spot instances, which are relatively inexpensive and have a shorter minimum billing period, you can reduce the number of Mac instances and ultimately save on infrastructure costs while still keeping the overall length of a build job short enough. ![mac-jobs](docs/imgs/mac-jobs.png) You can also refer to this [reference architecture](https://d1.awsstatic.com/architecture-diagrams/ArchitectureDiagrams/unity-build-pipeline-ios-games-on-aws-cloud-ra.pdf) for more details. When it comes to using spot instances, we must be aware of [spot interruptions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-interruptions.html) - the build jobs can sometimes get interrupted in the middle of build processes. However, they are handled well by the [Jenkins EC2 Fleet plugin](https://github.com/jenkinsci/ec2-fleet-plugin). The plugin detects spot interruptions and automatically re-enqueue the suspended jobs. ### Maintain build cache in stateless instances (EBS volume pool) Since EC2 Linux Spot instances are stateless, all the internal states of an instance (e.g. filesystem) are purged when an instance is terminated (e.g. by scaling activities.) This can slow down build processes because many build systems rely on caches of intermediate artifacts in a build server's filesystem, assuming that they are shared between build jobs, which is not always the case on stateless servers. To avoid this problem, we maintain a warm pool of EBS volumes and attach an available volume each time a new EC2 instance is added. ![EBS Pool](docs/imgs/ebs-pool.svg) When an instance is terminated, the volume is automatically detached from the instance, and becomes available for the next instances. This way, we do not need to use EBS snapshot and are therefore free from the snapshot hydration. This method requires an EC2 instance to dynamically select an available EBS volume from the pool, attach it, and mount it as a file system. We do this in EC2 user data, and the implementation is included in this sample. See [agent-userdata.sh](./lib/construct/jenkins/resources/agent-userdata.sh). Note that you need to properly estimate the required capacity for the pool. The number of volumes should be equal to the maximum capacity of the Auto Scaling Group (ASG), otherwise some instances will not get available volume immediately, or some volumes will not be used at all. The ASG capacity can be determined by how many build jobs you want to run concurrently. If it is too small, your job queue will soon be piled up, or if it is too large, your infrastructure costs will be unnecessarily high. You may want to analyze the tradeoffs and determine an optimal value for the ASG capacity. By default, this pool is enabled for the agents with the `linux` label. If you want to disable it, open [`jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts`](lib/jenkins-unity-build-stack.ts) and change the code as shown below. Since this change places the Jenkins workspace in the root volume, you may want to increase the size of the root volume at the same time. ```diff const agentEc2 = new AgentEC2(this, 'JenkinsLinuxAgent', { vpc, sshKeyName: keyPair.keyPairName, artifactBucket, // increase root volume size - rootVolumeSize: Size.gibibytes(30), + rootVolumeSize: Size.gibibytes(200), // remove dataVolumeSizeGb property - dataVolumeSize: Size.gibibytes(200), ``` There was another way we considered to solve caching issue, which is described on [this document](docs/using-ami-for-caching.md), but we prefer EBS volume solution in terms of simplicity. ## Clean up To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created. To remove all the AWS resources deployed by this sample, please follow these steps: 1. Set the minimum Jenkins Linux agent fleet size to zero. You can set this in the Jenkins cloud configuration UI (Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Nodes -> Configure Clouds -> Minimum Cluster Size). Please confirm that all Linux nodes have been removed from the Jenkins controller. You should wait for at least `Max Idle Minutes Before Scaledown` minutes before nodes will be removed. * We need to do this because the [Jenkins EC2 Fleet plugin](https://plugins.jenkins.io/ec2-fleet/) sets the scale-in protection policy of the fleets to enabled, which prevents CFn from deleting the instances. 2. Run the following command to delete the CloudFormation stack. ```sh npx cdk destroy --force ``` 3. Manually release the EC2 Mac dedicated host. Detailed instructions can be found here: [Release Dedicated Hosts ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/how-dedicated-hosts-work.html#dedicated-hosts-releasing). Note that sometimes a Mac dedicated host cannot be released immediately (e.g. 1-3 hours after a Mac instance in the host has been terminated or less than 24 hours after the host was created.) In this case, you must wait and retry the operation. 1. Make sure to deregister all the unnecessary AMIs and EBS snapshots if you have created any: [Deregister your AMI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/deregister-ami.html) ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.