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"text": "%flink.ssql(type=update)\n\nDROP VIEW IF EXISTS redact_pii_entities_view;\n\nCREATE VIEW \n redact_pii_entities_view\nAS\n SELECT\n review_id,\n review_date,\n review_body,\n TextAnalyticsUDF(\n 'redact_pii_entities', \n review_body, \n review_body_detected_language\n ) AS redacted_pii_entities\n FROM\n amazon_reviews_enriched\n WHERE\n review_body_detected_language = 'en'\n;\n-- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/API_DetectPiiEntities.html#comprehend-DetectPiiEntities-request-LanguageCode\n",
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"title": "#1 : Create view for PII entity redaction using UDF",
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"text": "%flink.ssql(type=update)\n\nSELECT \n *\nFROM\n redact_pii_entities_view\nORDER BY\n review_id\nLIMIT\n 10\n;",
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"title": " #2 : Preview redacted PII entities",
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"data": "review_id\treview_date\treview_body\tredacted_pii_entities\nR10BWJIZZEBJED\t2015-08-31\tMy wife s grabbed these at a store last week, and has been delighted with them. They are quite sturdy and comfortable, so her toes stay apart while painting them but, at the same time, causing no discomfort at all.
She s quite happy with them so far, and plans to buy another pair for her sister as a gift.\t[My wife s grabbed these at a store last week, and has been delighted with them. They are quite sturdy and comfortable, so her toes stay apart while painting them but, at the same time, causing no discomfort at all.
She s quite happy with them so far, and plans to buy another pair for her sister as a gift.]\nR10O8ZYRMYD2V3\t2015-08-29\tMy skin is better!\t[My skin is better!]\nR13AY1N5UF3ISG\t2015-08-30\tAbsolutely love this! Can't live without it.. It gives u natural energy and has lots of vitamins I put it in my coffee and smoothies I make!!!\t[Absolutely love this! Can't live without it.. It gives u natural energy and has lots of vitamins I put it in my coffee and smoothies I make!!!]\nR14AHC01JPLE4K\t2015-08-30\tThis is the best pill cutter I've ever used. I had already purchased and used one. It has worked so well that I decided to order one to keep in my office and another for a spare.\t[This is the best pill cutter I've ever used. I had already purchased and used one. It has worked so well that I decided to order one to keep in my office and another for a spare.]\nR14Z1VR1N0Z9G6\t2015-08-31\tIt's really nice it works great. You have the option for it to beep or not . Easy to use. Im very pleased\t[It's really nice it works great. You have the option for it to beep or not . Easy to use. Im very pleased]\nR1567J4ZPZV214\t2015-08-30\tworks well\t[works well]\nR16L9481I1QAI6\t2015-08-29\tNothing but good things to say. More pep in my step. More energy to burn during work outs in the gym and in the sheets.\t[Nothing but good things to say. More pep in my step. More energy to burn during work outs in the gym and in the sheets.]\nR16STMWGHF7XXV\t2015-08-29\tVery good product.\t[Very good product.]\nR16ZDMJJHK796C\t2015-08-31\tThis is high quality cacao powder. I would purchase it again.\t[This is high quality cacao powder. I would purchase it again.]\nR170MMX5J894TL\t2015-08-30\tArrived fresh and well packaged. The Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine and Ginseng mix seems to work well before and after workouts.\t[Arrived fresh and well packaged. The Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine and Ginseng mix seems to work well before and after workouts.]\n"
"type": "TEXT",
"data": "Fail to run sql command: SELECT \n *\nFROM\n redact_pii_entities_view\nORDER BY\n review_id\nLIMIT\n 10\n"
"type": "ANGULAR",
"data": "