// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
namespace Corp.Demo.Extensions.Common;
internal sealed class Constants
/// HTTP header that is used to register a new extension name with Extension API
public static readonly string LambdaExtensionNameHeader = "Lambda-Extension-Name";
/// HTTP header used to provide extension registration id
/// Registration endpoint reply will have this header value with a new id, assigned to this extension by the API.
/// All other endpoints will expect HTTP calls to have id header attached to all requests.
public static readonly string LambdaExtensionIdHeader = "Lambda-Extension-Identifier";
/// HTTP header to report Lambda Extension error type string.
/// This header is used to report additional error details for Init and Shutdown errors.
public static readonly string LambdaExtensionFunctionErrorTypeHeader = "Lambda-Extension-Function-Error-Type";
/// Environment variable that holds server name and port number for Extension API endpoints
public static readonly string LambdaRuntimeApiAddress = "AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API";