package com.lambdajavablockchain.service; import com.lambdajavablockchain.SecretsManagerUtil; import com.lambdajavablockchain.exception.AppException; import com.lambdajavablockchain.exception.ManagedBlockchainServiceException; import com.lambdajavablockchain.exception.EnrollmentNotFoundException; import com.lambdajavablockchain.model.*; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.*; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.CryptoException; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.ProposalException; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.TransactionException; import; import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient; import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.RegistrationRequest; import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.EnrollmentException; import org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.RegistrationException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; /** * Managed Blockchain service that interacts with the Fabric SDK to enroll admin, enroll user & query/invoke chaincode * */ @Component public class ManagedBlockchainService { private HFCAClient caClient; private HFClient client; private Channel channel; private String ambTlsCertAsString; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ManagedBlockchainService.class); public ManagedBlockchainService() {} public void setupClient() throws AppException, ManagedBlockchainServiceException { if(this.caClient != null && this.client != null) { return; } try {"Setting up CA Client and Client"); // Set CA details this.ambTlsCertAsString = SecretsManagerUtil.readCert(AMBConfig.AMB_CERT_PATH); Properties caProperties = new Properties(); caProperties.put("pemBytes", ambTlsCertAsString.getBytes()); // create HLF CA Client this.caClient = createHFCAClient(caProperties); // create HLF Client this.client = createHFClient(); } catch (AppException e) { log.error("Error setting up client, ManagedBlockchainService.setupClient() failed - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new ManagedBlockchainServiceException("Error setting up client - " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not find Managed Blockchain TLS certificate - " + e.getMessage()); throw new AppException("Managed Blockchain TLS certificate not found", e); } } /** * Function to enroll admin * */ private FabricUser enrollAdmin() throws AppException, ManagedBlockchainServiceException { if (client == null || caClient == null) { log.error("Client/CA Client not initialized. Run ManagedBlockchainService.setupClient() first"); throw new ManagedBlockchainServiceException("Client/CA Client not initialized!"); } try { // Retrieve admin User Context FabricUser fabricUser = getAdmin(caClient); // Set client to act on behalf of adminUser client.setUserContext(fabricUser);"Using admin user context"); return fabricUser; } catch (InvalidArgumentException | org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException | EnrollmentException e) { log.error("Error enrolling Admin user - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new AppException("Error enrolling Admin user - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Set User context by using already enrolled user * * @param userId String: userId */ public void setUser(String userId) throws Exception { // Check if user is has enrollment credentials on AWS Secrets Manager Enrollment enrollment = SecretsManagerUtil.getFabricEnrollment(userId, AMBConfig.ORG1); // create Fabric user context FabricUser fabricUser = new FabricUser(userId, AMBConfig.ORG1, AMBConfig.ORG1_MSP, enrollment); // check that the client has been properly setup if (client == null) { log.error("Client not initialized. Run ManagedBlockchainService.setupClient() first"); throw new ManagedBlockchainServiceException("Client not initialized!"); } // Set client to act on behalf of userId client.setUserContext(fabricUser);"Using " + userId + " user context"); } /** * Enroll a Fabric user, if user is already enrolled it retrieves user context from * AWS Secrets Manager * * @param userId String: userId * @param password String: password */ public void enrollUser(String userId, String password) throws Exception { try { // Check if user has enrollment credentials on AWS Secrets Manager Enrollment enrollment = SecretsManagerUtil.getFabricEnrollment(userId, AMBConfig.ORG1);"User is already enrolled!"); } catch (EnrollmentNotFoundException e) { // User is enrolling for the first time"Enrollment not found for user, enrolling user ..."); // Enroll admin and set admin context, we will need admin context to enroll a new user user FabricUser adminUser = enrollAdmin(); // Next, enroll user enrollUserToCA(caClient, adminUser, userId, password); } } /** * Start channel initialization * */ public void initChannel() throws AppException { // Initialize Channel"Initializing channel ..."); = initializeChannel(client);"Channel initialized!"); } public Channel getChannel() { return channel; } public HFClient getClient() { return client; } /** * Initialize Fabric channel * * @param client The HF Client * @return Channel */ private Channel initializeChannel(HFClient client) throws AppException { if ( != null && { return channel; } try { // Read Managed Blockchain TLS certificate from resources folder Properties properties = new Properties(); if (ambTlsCertAsString.isEmpty()) { properties.put("pemBytes", SecretsManagerUtil.readCert(AMBConfig.AMB_CERT_PATH)); } else { properties.put("pemBytes", ambTlsCertAsString.getBytes()); } properties.setProperty("sslProvider", "openSSL"); properties.setProperty("negotiationType", "TLS"); // Configure Peer Peer peer = client.newPeer(AMBConfig.ORG1_PEER_0, AMBConfig.ORG1_PEER_0_URL, properties); // Configure Orderer Orderer orderer = client.newOrderer(AMBConfig.ORDERER_NAME, AMBConfig.ORDERER_URL, properties); // Configure Channel Channel channel = client.newChannel(AMBConfig.CHANNEL_NAME); channel.addPeer(peer); channel.addOrderer(orderer); channel.initialize(); return channel; } catch (InvalidArgumentException | TransactionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("Unable to initialize channel - " + e.getMessage()); throw new AppException("Unable to initialize channel", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not find Managed Blockchain TLS certificate - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new AppException("Managed Blockchain TLS certificate not found", e); } } /** * Register and enroll user with provided {@code userId/userPassword} * Upon successful enrollment, user credentials will be saved on AWS Secrets Manager * * @param caClient HFCAClient: The fabric-ca client. * @param registrar FabricUser: The registrar to be used. * @param userId String: The user id. * @return Enrollment instance */ private Enrollment enrollUserToCA(HFCAClient caClient, FabricUser registrar, String userId, String userPassword) throws Exception { try {"Attempting to enroll user " + userId + " ..."); RegistrationRequest registrationRequest = new RegistrationRequest(userId, AMBConfig.ORG1); registrationRequest.setSecret(userPassword); // Register and enroll user String enrollmentSecret = caClient.register(registrationRequest, registrar); Enrollment userEnrollment = caClient.enroll(userId, enrollmentSecret);"Userid:" + userId + " successfully enrolled"); // Save credentials on AWS Secrets Manager SecretsManagerUtil.storeEnrollmentCredentials(userId, AMBConfig.ORG1, userEnrollment);"Userid:" + userId + " credentials saved on Secrets Manager"); return userEnrollment; } catch (org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException | RegistrationException | EnrollmentException e) { log.error("Error enrolling user to CA - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new AppException("Error enrolling user to CA", e); } } /** * Enroll admin into Fabric CA using {@code admin/adminpwd} credentials. * If admin's certificates are already present on AWS Secrets Manager, enrollment will be skipped and * Admin user context will be reconstructed using credentials from Secrets Manager. * * @param hfcaClient HFCAClient: The Fabric CA client * @return FabricUser instance */ private FabricUser getAdmin(HFCAClient hfcaClient) throws EnrollmentException, org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException { try { // Try to build enrollment using AWS Secrets Manager credentials FabricEnrollment fabricEnrollment = SecretsManagerUtil.getFabricEnrollment(AMBConfig.ADMINUSER, AMBConfig.ORG1); // Create Admin user context with existing credentials FabricUser adminUserContext = new FabricUser(AMBConfig.ADMINUSER, AMBConfig.ORG1, AMBConfig.ORG1_MSP, fabricEnrollment);"Admin user context reconstructed from Secrets Manager"); return adminUserContext; } catch (EnrollmentNotFoundException e) { // If admin has not yet been enrolled, enroll admin once and save credentials"No secret found in Secrets Manager, enrolling admin"); // Enroll Admin first Enrollment adminEnrollment = hfcaClient.enroll(AMBConfig.ADMINUSER, AMBConfig.ADMINPWD); FabricUser adminUserContext = new FabricUser(AMBConfig.ADMINUSER, AMBConfig.ORG1, AMBConfig.ORG1_MSP, adminEnrollment);"Admin successfully enrolled"); // Save credentials on AWS Secrets Manager SecretsManagerUtil.storeEnrollmentCredentials(AMBConfig.ADMINUSER, AMBConfig.ORG1, adminEnrollment);"Admin credentials saved on Secrets Manager"); return adminUserContext; } } /** * Create HLF client * * @return HFClient instance. */ private static HFClient createHFClient() throws AppException { try { CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite(); HFClient client = HFClient.createNewInstance(); client.setCryptoSuite(cryptoSuite); return client; } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException | CryptoException | InvalidArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) { log.error("Error creating Fabric client - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new AppException("Error creating Fabric Client", e); } } /** * Create HLF CA client * * @param caClientProperties String: The Fabric CA client properties. * @return HFCAClient instance */ private HFCAClient createHFCAClient(Properties caClientProperties) throws AppException { try { CryptoSuite cryptoSuite = CryptoSuite.Factory.getCryptoSuite(); HFCAClient caClient = HFCAClient.createNewInstance(AMBConfig.CA_ORG1_URL, caClientProperties); caClient.setCryptoSuite(cryptoSuite); return caClient; } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException | CryptoException | InvalidArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | MalformedURLException e) { log.error("Error creating Fabric CA client - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new AppException("Error creating Fabric CA Client", e); } } /** * Query chaincode by chaincodeName, functionName and arguments provided * * @param hfClient HFClient: Fabric Client instance * @param channel Channel: Channel instance * @param chaincodeName String: chaincode to query * @param functionName String: function to query * @param args String: argument for the query function * @return String: query response */ public String queryChaincode(HFClient hfClient, Channel channel, String chaincodeName, String functionName, String args) throws ManagedBlockchainServiceException, ProposalException, InvalidArgumentException { if (channel == null || hfClient == null) { log.error("Channel/Client not initialized. Run ManagedBlockchainService.initChannel() first"); throw new ManagedBlockchainServiceException("Channel/Client not initialized!"); } QueryByChaincodeRequest qpr = hfClient.newQueryProposalRequest(); // Chaincode Version is omitted, it can be added if required ChaincodeID chaincodeID = ChaincodeID.newBuilder().setName(chaincodeName).build(); qpr.setChaincodeID(chaincodeID); qpr.setFcn(functionName); String[] arguments = {args}; qpr.setArgs(arguments); // Query the chaincode Collection res = channel.queryByChaincode(qpr); String result = ""; // Retrieve the query response for (ProposalResponse pres : res) { result = new String(pres.getChaincodeActionResponsePayload());"Query result: " + result); } return result; } /** * Invoke chaincode by chaincodeName, functionName and argument list * * @param hfClient HFClient: HLF client instance * @param channel Channel: Channel instance * @param chainCodeName String: chaincode to invoke * @param functionName String: function to invoke * @param arguments String[]: list of arguments for chaincode invocation */ public void invokeChaincode(HFClient hfClient, Channel channel, String chainCodeName, String functionName, String[] arguments) throws ManagedBlockchainServiceException, InvalidArgumentException { if (channel == null || hfClient == null) { log.error("Channel/Client not initialized. Run ManagedBlockchainService.initChannel() first"); throw new ManagedBlockchainServiceException("Channel/Client not initialized!"); } // Set chaincdoe name, function and arguments ChaincodeID chaincodeID = ChaincodeID.newBuilder().setName(chainCodeName).build(); TransactionProposalRequest invokeRequest = hfClient.newTransactionProposalRequest(); invokeRequest.setChaincodeID(chaincodeID); invokeRequest.setFcn(functionName); invokeRequest.setArgs(arguments); invokeRequest.setProposalWaitTime(2000); Collection successful = new LinkedList<>(); Collection failed = new LinkedList<>(); try { // Send transaction proposal to all peers Collection responses = channel.sendTransactionProposal(invokeRequest); // Process responses from transaction proposal for (ProposalResponse response : responses) { String stringResponse = new String(response.getChaincodeActionResponsePayload());"Invoke status:" + response.getStatus() + " result:" + stringResponse); if (response.getStatus() == ChaincodeResponse.Status.SUCCESS) {"Received successful transaction proposal response txId:" + response.getTransactionID() + " from peer: " + response.getPeer().getName()); successful.add(response); } else { failed.add(response); log.error("Received unsuccessful transaction proposal response"); } } if (failed.size() > 0) { log.error("Failed to send Proposal and receive successful proposal responses"); throw new RuntimeException("Proposal error"); } // Send transaction to Orderer CompletableFuture cf = channel.sendTransaction(responses); CompletableFuture future = cf .thenAccept((s) ->"Invoke Completed. Block nb:" + s.getBlockEvent().getBlockNumber())); } catch (ProposalException ex) { log.error("Proposal exception " + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("Proposal exception ", ex); } } }