#!/bin/bash POLICY_NAME="serverless-iot-backend-policy" THING_NAME="serverless-iot-backend-thing" # Creates a 2048-bit RSA key pair and issues an X.509 certificate using the issued public key. echo "\nCreating the keys and certificate" CERTIFICATE_ARN=$(aws iot create-keys-and-certificate \ --set-as-active \ --certificate-pem-outfile "serverless-iot-backend.cert.pem" \ --public-key-outfile "serverless-iot-backend.public.key" \ --private-key-outfile "serverless-iot-backend.private.key" | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print obj["certificateArn"]') echo $CERTIFICATE_ARN # Attach aws iot policy to device certificate echo "\nAttaching certificate to a thing" aws iot attach-thing-principal \ --thing-name $THING_NAME \ --principal $CERTIFICATE_ARN # Attach a policy to a certificate echo "\nAttaching iot policy to a certificate" aws iot attach-policy \ --policy-name $POLICY_NAME \ --target $CERTIFICATE_ARN