#replace with your endpoint name in format https://<<endpoint-name>> export ENDPOINT_NAME=https://$1 export REGION=us-east-1 export CONTENT_TYPE=application/json export PAYLOAD='{"inputs": "I am super happy right now."}' export USERS=240 export WORKERS=60 export RUN_TIME=1mg export LOCUST_UI=false # Use Locust UI #replace with the locust script that you are testing, this is the locust_script that will be used to make the InvokeEndpoint API calls. export SCRIPT=locust_script.py #make sure you are in a virtual environment #. ./venv/bin/activate if $LOCUST_UI ; then locust -f $SCRIPT -H $ENDPOINT_NAME --master --expect-workers $WORKERS -u $USERS -t $RUN_TIME --csv results & else locust -f $SCRIPT -H $ENDPOINT_NAME --master --expect-workers $WORKERS -u $USERS -t $RUN_TIME --csv results --headless & fi for (( c=1; c<=$WORKERS; c++ )) do locust -f $SCRIPT -H $ENDPOINT_NAME --worker --master-host=localhost & done