# The following parameters are used to create the Amazon Kinesis # stream, AWS Lambda function that reads from the stream and the # Amazon SNS topic Lambda will publish to whenever a tweet is # classified as actionable. AWS = { 'awsAccountId' : "", 'kinesisStream' : "tweetStream", 'lambdaExecutionRole' : "tweetStreamExecutionRole", 'lambdaFunctionName' : "classifyTweet", 'mlModelId' : "", 'region' : "", 'snsTopic' : "actionableTweets" } # The parameters below are used by scanner.py to read tweets from the # public stream twitter API[1] and push them to a kinesis # stream. Configure this with twitter credentials for your own application[2] # # [1] https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/reference/post/statuses/filter # [2] https://apps.twitter.com CONSUMER_KEY = '' CONSUMER_SECRET = '' ACCESS_TOKEN = '' ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = '' # Learn more about how this filter is used by Twitter's API # https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/reference/post/statuses/filter TWITTER_FILTER = 'aws' # Learn more about Kinesis partitions # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/dev/amazon-kinesis-producers.html KINESIS_STREAM = AWS['kinesisStream'] KINESIS_PARTITION = 'demo'