AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: CFN script to provision the required infrastructure for IBM zD&T Metadata: {} Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: id: ami-6871a115 us-west-2: id: ami-28e07e50 Conditions: {} Outputs: LicenseServerPrivateIP: Description: The private IP address of the License Server Value: !GetAtt LicenseServer.PrivateIp LicenseServerPublicIP: Description: The public IP address of the License Server Value: !GetAtt LicenseServer.PublicIp EmulatorServerPrivateIP: Description: The private IP address of the Emulator Server Value: !GetAtt EmulatorServer.PrivateIp EmulatorServerPublicIP: Description: The public IP address of the Emulator Server Value: !GetAtt EmulatorServer.PublicIp EnterpriseServerPrivateIP: Description: The private IP address of the Enterprise Server Value: !GetAtt EnterpriseServer.PrivateIp EnterpriseServerPublicIP: Description: The public IP address of the Enterprise Server Value: !GetAtt EnterpriseServer.PublicIp EnterpriseServerAdminConsoleURL: Description: The URL to access the Enterprise Server Admin Console Value: !Join - '' - - "https://" - !GetAtt EnterpriseServer.PublicIp - ":9443/ZDTMC/index.html" EnterpriseServerAdminConsoleUser: Description: The user to access the Enterprise Server Admin Console Value: zdtadmin EnterpriseServerAdminConsolePassword: Description: The password to access the Enterprise Server Admin Console Value: password Parameters: UserCidrBlock: AllowedPattern: '((\d{1,3})\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}' Default: Description: | Your home/office network CIDR block or IP address to access EC2 instances remotely (eg or This will be used to allow ingress in the security group. Using will allow access from any IP, we recommend you change it to you home/office network CIDR block. Type: String VPCCidrBlock: AllowedPattern: '((\d{1,3})\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}' Default: Description: VPC CIDR Block (eg Type: String AvailabilityZone: Description: The AvailabilityZone to use Type: AWS::EC2::AvailabilityZone::Name SubnetCIDR: AllowedPattern: '((\d{1,3})\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}' Default: Description: VPC CIDR Block for the Public Subnet (eg Type: String LicenseServerInstanceType: Description: Instance type for the License Server. # This server should be provisioned on a dedicated host. Type: String Default: t3.medium AllowedValues: - t3.medium - t3.large - t3a.medium - t3a.large - m5.large - m5.xlarge - m5a.large - m5a.xlarge EmulatorServerInstanceType: Description: Instance type for the Emulator Server, where z/OS will run on top of zD&T. By default 3 CPs will be created, and 12GB of RAM will be assigned to z/OS. Type: String Default: m5.xlarge AllowedValues: - m5.xlarge - m5a.xlarge - m5.2xlarge - m5a.2xlarge - c5.2xlarge - c5a.2xlarge EnterpriseServerInstanceType: Description: Instance type for the EE Server, which will also work as the File Server. Type: String Default: t3.medium AllowedValues: - t3.medium - t3.large - t3a.medium - t3a.large - m5.large - m5.xlarge - m5a.large - m5a.xlarge KeyPair: Description: Key pair to be used with the instances that will be created. Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName S3BucketName: Default: my-bucket Description: S3 bucket that contains the IBM zD&T installer and ADCD volumes. Type: String Installer: Description: File name of the Enterprise Edition installer, must be in the s3 bucket, inside a folder called 'installer' Type: String Default: ZDT_Install_EE_V12.0.4.0.tgz Resources: S3Role: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Principal: Service: - "" Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" Path: "/" Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-IAM-Role-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName S3RolePolicies: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyName: !Sub zDT-IAM-Policy-${AWS::StackName} PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Action: ["s3:Get*","s3:List*","s3:Put*"] Resource: [!Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${S3BucketName}/*", !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${S3BucketName}"] Roles: - !Ref S3Role S3InstanceProfile: Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile" Properties: Path: "/" Roles: - !Ref S3Role VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: CidrBlock: !Ref VPCCidrBlock EnableDnsHostnames: true EnableDnsSupport: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-VPC-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName InternetGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-InternetGateway-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName GatewayAttachment: Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway VpcId: !Ref VPC RouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-RouteTable-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName VpcId: !Ref VPC PublicRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable Subnet: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: AvailabilityZone: !Ref AvailabilityZone CidrBlock: !Ref SubnetCIDR MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-Subnet-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName VpcId: !Ref VPC SubnetAssoc: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable SubnetId: !Ref Subnet SecGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupName: !Sub zDT-EC2-SecurityGroup-${AWS::StackName} GroupDescription: Security group for the License Server, Enterprise Server and File Server VpcId: !Ref VPC SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 20 ToPort: 22 CidrIp: !Ref UserCidrBlock - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 9443 ToPort: 9443 CidrIp: !Ref UserCidrBlock - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 2022 ToPort: 2023 CidrIp: !Ref UserCidrBlock Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-SecurityGroup-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName SecGroupIngress: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: Description: Allows communication between zD&T components GroupId: !Ref SecGroup IpProtocol: "-1" SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref SecGroup Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-SecurityGroupIngress-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName LicenseServer: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: KeyName: !Ref KeyPair ImageId: !FindInMap [RegionMap, !Ref "AWS::Region", id] InstanceType: !Ref LicenseServerInstanceType IamInstanceProfile: !Ref S3InstanceProfile Monitoring: true SubnetId: !Ref Subnet SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecGroup UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -ex exec > /tmp/part-001.log 2>&1 echo " ********************************************************************** *! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! D O N O T S H U T D O W N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! * *******************************Warning******************************** Software-based License Server needs to be a static resource in any infrastructure configuration. In a virtualized or cloud infrastructure, it does not tolerate physical moving. If the Software-based License Server is manually or automatically moved return the license before moving, acquire the license after movement, and configure the Software-based License Server again." > /etc/motd echo "alias shutdown='echo "\""DO NOT SHUTDOWN THIS INSTANCE, USE COMMAND reboot INSTEAD."\""'" >> /etc/bashrc yum update -y yum install unzip -y # # installs AWS CLI # curl "" -o "" unzip ./aws/install # # copies zdt installer and installs license server, generates license request and uploads to s3 # /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/installer/${Installer} . tar -xvzf ${Installer} installer=${Installer} filename=${!installer%.*}.x86_64 ./$filename --install --zdtswlicense --ackVM --dep /opt/IBM/LDK/request_license /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp /root/*.zip s3://${S3BucketName}/ # # creates script that checks for update file # echo '#!/bin/bash -x rm -rf /tmp/license_applied rm -rf /tmp/license_error exec > /tmp/check_license.log 2>&1 request=$(find /root -type f -regex ".*compute_internal_[0-9]") requestnumber=$(find /root -type f -regex ".*compute_internal_[0-9]" | wc -l) if [ $requestnumber -gt 1 ]; then echo "There is more than one license request file. Continue Manually." echo "Removing cron jobs." crontab -r exit 8 fi request=${!request:6} update=${!request%.*} /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/${!update} . if [ -f "$update" ]; then echo "License update exists." /opt/IBM/LDK/update_license /root/${!update} >> /tmp/license_applied if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp /tmp/license_applied s3://${S3BucketName}/ echo "License successfully applied!" echo "Removing cron jobs." crontab -r else echo "There was an error applying the license update." mv /tmp/license_applied /tmp/license_error /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp /tmp/license_error s3://${S3BucketName}/ fi else echo "License update does not exist. Checking again in 5 min." echo "Checked $(date)" fi' > /root/ chmod +x /root/ # # schedules the license check in the bucket every 5 min # echo "*/5 * * * * /root/" > /root/cron crontab /root/cron echo "License Server installation finished, a script scheduled on cron will be checking if the license update files is uploaded to the S3 bucket." Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-Instance-LicenseServer-${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName EmulatorServer: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: KeyName: !Ref KeyPair ImageId: !FindInMap [RegionMap, !Ref "AWS::Region", id] InstanceType: !Ref EmulatorServerInstanceType IamInstanceProfile: !Ref S3InstanceProfile Monitoring: true SubnetId: !Ref Subnet SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecGroup BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: VolumeSize: 500 UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -ex exec > /tmp/part-001.log 2>&1 yum update -y yum install unzip nc -y # # installs AWS CLI # curl "" -o "" unzip ./aws/install # # copies zdt installer and installs the emulator # /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/installer/${Installer} . tar -xvzf ${Installer} installer=${Installer} filename=${!installer%.*}.x86_64 ./$filename --install --zdtem --dep --net # # removes block for root login, and creates manual key pair for deployment and copies to s3 bucket # ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "root" -f /root/.ssh/${AWS::StackName}-deploy -q -N "${AWS::StackName}ibmzdt" /bin/cp /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys cat /root/.ssh/${AWS::StackName} >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp /root/.ssh/${AWS::StackName}-deploy s3://${S3BucketName}/ echo "Emulator Server installation finished." Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-Instance-EmulatorServer${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName EnterpriseServer: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance DependsOn: - LicenseServer - EmulatorServer Properties: KeyName: !Ref KeyPair ImageId: !FindInMap [RegionMap, !Ref "AWS::Region", id] InstanceType: !Ref EnterpriseServerInstanceType IamInstanceProfile: !Ref S3InstanceProfile Monitoring: true SubnetId: !Ref Subnet SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecGroup BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: VolumeSize: 100 UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -ex exec > /tmp/part-001.log 2>&1 yum update -y yum install unzip wget vsftpd ftp -y # installs jq to parse json data from zDT REST API wget -O jq chmod +x ./jq cp jq /usr/bin # # installs AWS CLI # curl "" -o "" unzip ./aws/install # copies the zdt installer and installs and starts the ee server /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/installer/${Installer} . tar -xvzf ${Installer} installer=${Installer} filename=${!installer%.*}.x86_64 ./$filename --install --zdtee --dep /opt/ibm/zDT/bin/ # # # sets up ftp server and copy adcd volumes while enterprise server starts # systemctl enable vsftpd.service useradd zdtftp -d /home/zdtftp echo "zdtftp:zdtftp" | chpasswd systemctl start vsftpd.service mkdir /home/zdtftp/adcd chown zdtftp /home/zdtftp/adcd /usr/local/bin/aws s3 sync s3://${S3BucketName}/adcd /home/zdtftp/adcd --no-progress # # gets EnterpriseServer PrivateIp from metadata to avoid circular reference # TOKEN=$(curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600") EnterpriseServerPrivateIp=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" -v # # configures image storage # curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "hostname": '"\"${!EnterpriseServerPrivateIp}\""', "storageSystemType": "FTP", "baseDirectory": "/home/zdtftp/", "port": 21, "username": "zdtftp", "password": "zdtftp" }' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/imageStoreServices/FTP' # # configures license server # curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "softwarePrimary":{"hostname": '"\"${LicenseServer.PrivateIp}\""'}, "softwareSecondary":{"hostname": ""}}' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/licenseServices/licensing/software' # # configures target emulator server # curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "hostname": '"\"${EmulatorServer.PrivateIp}\""', "sshPort": 22, "label":"Emulator", "installOSPackages": true, "concurrentVolumeTransferNumber": 3, "configNetwork": true, "configUser": true, "syntax": "sudo ${!command}", "syntaxForValidation": "sudo -n -l", "networkInterface": "eth1"}' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/targetEnvServices/targetSystem' # # get adcd package info, components name and ADCD version # curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/adcdServices/ADCDs' # [[{"id":1,"name":"z/OS V2.3 May 2019","rsu":"1903","restoreDataset":true,"creationTime":null,"restoreDb2":true}],{}] curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/componentServices/components/may2019' > components.json components=$(jq -r "[.[] | {name: .name}]" components.json) adcdversion=$(jq -r ".[1].zSystem.hostname" components.json) # # creates image # curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ "name": "All components", "zSystem": { "hostname": '"\"${!adcdversion}\""' }, "ftpSystem": { "hostname": '"\"${!EnterpriseServerPrivateIp}\""' }, "components": '"${!components}"' }' 'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/appServices/ADCDApplicationImage' # # copies ssh key to deploy to target # /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/${AWS::StackName}-deploy /root/.ssh/ chmod 400 /root/.ssh/${AWS::StackName}-deploy # # creates script to check if the license was applied # echo '#!/bin/bash -x exec > /tmp/check_license.log 2>&1 components=$(jq -r "[.[] | {name: .name}]" /components.json) adcdversion=$(jq -r ".[1].zSystem.hostname" /components.json) echo "Checking if license was applied in license server by checking if there is a files license_applied in the s3 bucket..." /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://${S3BucketName}/license_applied /root/ if [ -f "/root/license_applied" ]; then echo "License was applied, deploying image to target..." # gets auth token curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header '"'"'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'"'"' --header '"'"'Accept: application/json'"'"' -F '"'"'sshCredentials={"hostname": "${EmulatorServer.PrivateIp}", "port":22, "username":"root", "password": "${AWS::StackName}ibmzdt"}'"'"' -F '"'"'keyFile=@/root/.ssh/${AWS::StackName}-deploy'"'"' '"'"'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/authServices/authenticateSSHkey'"'"' > resp.json token=$(jq '"'"'.token'"'"' resp.json) curl -k -u zdtadmin:password -X POST --header '"'"'Content-Type: application/json'"'"' --header '"'"'Accept: application/json'"'"' --header '"'"'SSHAuthorization: {"token":'"'"'"${!token}"'"'"',"hostname": "${EmulatorServer.PrivateIp}","port":22}'"'"' -d '"'"'{ "targetSystem": { "hostname": "${EmulatorServer.PrivateIp}", "sshPort": 22, "cp": 3, "ram": 12884901888 , "deploymentDirectory": "/home/ibmsys1" }, "application": { "name": "All components", "version": 1, "zSystem": { "hostname": '"'"'"\"${!adcdversion}\""'"'"' }, "ftpSystem": { "hostname": '"\"${!EnterpriseServerPrivateIp}\""' } }, "doIPL": true,"iplDeviceAddress": "0A80", "iplIODFAddress": "0A81", "iplLoadSuffix": "WS", "targetZosUsername": "TSOUSR1", "targetZosPassword": "TSOPASS1" }'"'"' '"'"'https://localhost:9443/ZDTREST/zdtrs/deployServices/deployLinux'"'"' #{"code":0,"parameters":[],"level":"INFO"} # removes cron task crontab -r else echo "License has not been applied yet, checking again in 5 minutes..." echo "Checked $(date)" fi ' > /root/ chmod +x /root/ echo "*/5 * * * * /root/" > /root/cron crontab /root/cron echo "Enterprise Server installation finished, a script scheduled on cron will be checking if the license_applied file exists in the S3 bucket." Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub zDT-EC2-Instance-EnterpriseServer${AWS::StackName} - Key: Stack Value: !Ref AWS::StackName