######################################################### # Clean resources created for the first Worker Services # ######################################################### # 1. Navigate to the CDK project folder for the Worker Service that persists into DynamoDB # 2. Destroy all resources without ask for confirmation before destroying the stacks Set-Location ServicesWorkerDb/src/infra/ cdk destroy -f Set-Location ../../../ ########################################################## # Clean resources created for the second Worker Services # ########################################################## # 1. Navigate to the CDK project folder for the Worker Service that persists into S3 # 2. Destroy all resources without ask for confirmation before destroying the stacks Set-Location ServicesWorkerIntegration/src/infra/ cdk destroy -f Set-Location ../../../ ############################################################ # Clean resources created for the WebAPI # ############################################################ # 1. Navigate to the CDK project folder for the WebAPI project # 2. Destroy all resources without ask for confirmation before destroying the stacks Set-Location WebAPI/src/infra/ cdk destroy -f Set-Location ../../../