import boto3
import csv
import botocore
from time import gmtime, strftime
from boto3.session import Session
import json
import os

sagemaker = boto3.client('sagemaker')
code_pipeline = boto3.client('codepipeline')

# ARN of IAM role Amazon SageMaker can assume to access model artifacts and docker image for deployment
SageMakerRole = os.environ['SageMakerExecutionRole']

#use json to send data to model and get back the prediction.
JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/csv"

def lambda_handler(event, context):
        # Read In CodePipeline Data 
        #    - Previous Event Step Information = Resources created in the previous step (Ex. Hosting Endpoint)
        #    - User Parameters: This function accepts the following User Parameters from CodePipeline
        #         { "env": "Dev"}
        #             where: 
        #                  env = Environment, Valid Values (Dev, Test) 
        previousStepEvent = read_job_info(event)
        endpointName = previousStepEvent['endpoint']

        evalText = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['actionConfiguration']['configuration']['UserParameters']
        test_info = json.loads(evalText)
        environment = test_info["env"]
        print("[INFO]ENVIRONMENT:", environment)
        # Environment variable containing S3 bucket for data used for validation and/or smoke test
        data_bucket = os.environ['S3DataBucket']
        print("[INFO]DATA_BUCKET:", data_bucket)
        if environment == 'Dev':
            key = 'smoketest/smoketest.csv'
            print("[INFO]Smoke Test Info:"+ environment + " S3 Data Bucket: " + data_bucket + " S3 Prefix/Key: " + key)
            dev_eval = evaluate_model(data_bucket,key,endpointName)
            print('[SUCCESS] Smoke Test Complete')
        elif environment == 'Test':
            key = 'validation/validation.csv'
            print("[INFO]Full Test Info:"+ environment + " S3 Data Bucket: " + data_bucket + " S3 Prefix/Key: " + key)
            test_eval = evaluate_model(data_bucket,key,endpointName)
            print('[SUCCESS] Full Test Complete')
    except Exception as e:
        print('[ERROR]Unable to successfully invoke endpoint')
        event['message'] = str(e)

    return event 

#Get test/validation data
def evaluate_model(data_bucket, key, endpointName):
    # Get the object from the event and show its content type
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

        #Use sagemaker runtime to make predictions after getting data
        runtime_client = boto3.client('runtime.sagemaker')

        response = s3.Bucket(data_bucket).download_file(key, download_path)
        csv_data = csv.reader(open(download_path, newline=''))
        inferences_processed = len(list(csv.reader(open(download_path, newline=''))))
        inference_count = inferences_processed
        print("[INFO]Number of predictions on input:", inferences_processed)

        print ("[INFO]Endpoint Version:", endpointName)
        for row in csv_data:
            print("[INFO]Row to format is:", row)
            #Remove label - For csv files used for inference, XGBoost assumes that CSV input does not have the label column. 
            #This processing could alternatively be setup as a pre-processing container behind the hosted endpoint using
            #inference pipeline capabilities.
            label_value = row.pop(0)
            print("[INFO]Row on input is:", row)
            # Convert to String          
            print("[INFO]Formatted Input", formatted_input)
            # Convert to Bytes
            invoke_endpoint_body= bytes(formatted_input,'utf-8')
            print("[INFO]invoke_endpoint_body", invoke_endpoint_body)
            response = runtime_client.invoke_endpoint(
            #Response body will be of type "<botocore.response.StreamingBody>"
            #Convert this into string and json for understandable results
            print("[INFO]InvokeEndpoint Response:", response)
            #Check for successful return code (200)
            return_code = response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']
            print("[INFO]InvokeEndpoint return_code:", return_code)
            if return_code != 200:
                event['message'] = str(return_code)
                print("[FAIL] Smoke Test")
                return 'failed'
            elif return_code == 200:
                print('[INFO]Predictions Processed')

                actual_response = response['Body'].read().decode('ascii')
                print('[INFO]Actual_response', actual_response)
                basic_metric = process_prediction(label_value, actual_response)
    except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
        print('[ERRORUnable to get predictions')
        event['message'] = str(e)
    return return_code
#Format Body of inference to match input expected by algorithm
def csv_formatbody(row):
    string_row=','.join(str(e) for e in row)
    return string_row
def process_prediction(label_value, actual_response):
    #PostProcessing - Because we chose binary:logistic as our objective metric, our result for the payload will be
    # an output probability. We are going to use the same optimal cutoff detailed in the example notebook; however, this
    # would be configurable based on post-processing evaluation of impact. 
    #This processing could alternatively be setup as a post-processing container behind the hosted endpoint using
    #inference pipeline capabilities.
    response_cutoff = 0.46   
    #label = float(label_value)
    #print("Label:", label)
    predict_value = float(actual_response) 
    print("predict_value", predict_value)
    if predict_value > response_cutoff:
        prediction = '1'
        print('[INFO]Prediction is:', prediction)
        prediction = '0'
        print('[INFO]Prediction is:', prediction)
    labeltype = type(label_value)
    print("LabelType", labeltype)
    predictiontype = type(prediction)
    print("PredictionType", predictiontype)
    if label_value == 0 and prediction == 0:
        # True Negative
        basic_metric = 'TN'
    elif label_value == 0 and prediction == 1:
        # False Positive
        basic_metric = 'FP'
    elif label_value == 1 and prediction == 0:
        # False Negative
        basic_metric = 'FN'
        # True Positive
        basic_metric = 'TP'
    print("[INFO] Label:" + label_value + "| Prediction:" + prediction + " | Metric Response:" + basic_metric)
    return basic_metric
def write_job_info_s3(event):
    KMSKeyIdSSEIn = os.environ['SSEKMSKeyIdIn']
    objectKey = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['outputArtifacts'][0]['location']['s3Location']['objectKey']
    bucketname = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['outputArtifacts'][0]['location']['s3Location']['bucketName']

    artifactCredentials = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['artifactCredentials']
    artifactName = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['outputArtifacts'][0]['name']

    json_data = json.dumps(event)

    session = Session(aws_access_key_id=artifactCredentials['accessKeyId'],

    s3 = session.resource("s3")
    object = s3.Object(bucketname, objectKey + '/event.json')
    object = s3.Object(bucketname, objectKey)
    object.put(Body=json_data, ServerSideEncryption='aws:kms', SSEKMSKeyId=KMSKeyIdSSEIn)

def read_job_info(event):

    print("[DEBUG]EVENT IN:", event)
    bucketname = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['inputArtifacts'][0]['location']['s3Location']['bucketName']
    print("[INFO]Previous Job Info Bucket:", bucketname)
    objectKey = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['inputArtifacts'][0]['location']['s3Location']['objectKey']
    print("[INFO]Previous Job Info Object:", objectKey)

    artifactCredentials = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']['artifactCredentials']

    session = Session(aws_access_key_id=artifactCredentials['accessKeyId'],
    s3 = session.resource('s3')

    obj = s3.Object(bucketname,objectKey)
    item = json.loads(obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8'))
    print("[INFO]Previous CodePipeline Job Info Sucessfully Read:", item)
    return item

def put_job_success(event):
    #print('Putting job success')
    print("[PASS] Smoke Test")
def put_job_failure(event):
    print('Putting job failure')
    event['successful_inferences'] = 'Inferences Successfully Passed Test'
    code_pipeline.put_job_failure_result(jobId=event['CodePipeline.job']['id'], failureDetails={'message': event['message'], 'type': 'JobFailed'})