variable "region" { description = "AWS region" type = string default = "ap-southeast-2" } variable "project_name" { description = "High level description of project" type = string default = "ml-pipeline" } variable "repository_name" { description = "Name for CodeCommit repository" type = string default = "ml-pipeline-repo" } variable "terraform_state_bucket_name" { description = "Name of S3 bucket to store state" type = string } variable "terraform_state_lock_table_name" { description = "Name of DynamodDB table to lock state" type = string } variable "terraform_state_key" { description = "S3 Key for the backend Terraform state file." type = string } variable "project_root_dir" { description = "Project root directory (as opposed to Terraform module root)" type = string } variable "stage" { description = "Prefix for stage" type = string }