import boto3 import json import os import logging import random from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION') user_tbl = os.environ.get('USER_TABLE') dynamo_url = 'https://dynamodb.'+region+'' origination_number = os.environ.get('ORIG_NUMBER') caller_id = os.environ.get('ORIG_NUMBER') app_id = os.environ.get('APP_ID') sender_email = os.environ.get('SENDER_EMAIL') def lambda_handler(event, context): event_body = event['body'] #Handle emails and voice mails recipients = '' email_users = 0 voice_users = 0 polly_client = boto3.client('polly',region_name=region) for key, value in event_body.items(): print('event_id', key) event_id = key[:-3] lan_code = key[-2:] if not recipients : recipients = getUsersByEventId(event_id) #Send emails for all subscribers for this event and language try : for recipient in recipients : pref = recipient['preference'] language = recipient['language'] if language == lan_code : first_name = 'User' if 'first_name' in recipient : first_name = recipient['first_name'] print('Sending ' + pref + ' for user', recipient['user_id']) if pref == 'voice' : phoneme = phonemeCode(language) if 'phoneme' in recipient : phoneme = recipient['phoneme'] print('Phoneme', phoneme) voices = polly_client.describe_voices(LanguageCode=phoneme)['Voices'] voiceId = '' if len(voices) > 0 : voiceId = voices[0]['Id'] elif phoneme == 'hi-IN' or pCode == 'en-IN' : voiceId = 'Aditi' else : voiceId = 'Joanna' sendVoiceMessage(key,value,phoneme,voiceId,recipient['phone'],first_name) voice_users += 1 elif pref == 'email' : sendEmail(key,value, recipient['email'],first_name) email_users += 1 elif pref == 'sms' : print('text communication') msg = first_name + ', ' + value sendSMSMessage(key,msg,recipient['phone']) else: print('No communication mode is available for the rater, user_id:', recipient['user_id']) except Exception as err: logger.exception("Couldn't send message for event id %s and language %s.", event_id, lan_code) raise err else: print(f"Message sent!\Event ID: {event_id}") print('Total email recipients for this announcement are',str(email_users)) print('Total voice recipients for this announcement are',str(voice_users)) return { "statusCode": 200, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }, "body": event_body } #Sedning voice messages def sendVoiceMessage(event_id, message, language_code, voice_id, dest_number, first_name) : ssml_message = ( "" "" + message + "" "") print(f"Sending voice message from {origination_number} to {dest_number}.") message_id = send_voice_message( boto3.client('pinpoint-sms-voice'), origination_number, dest_number, language_code, voice_id, ssml_message) print('voice message id', message_id) #Sedning voice messages def send_voice_message( sms_voice_client, origination_number, destination_number, language_code, voice_id, ssml_message): try: response = sms_voice_client.send_voice_message( DestinationPhoneNumber=destination_number, OriginationPhoneNumber=origination_number, #CallerId=caller_id, Content={ 'SSMLMessage': { 'LanguageCode': language_code, 'VoiceId': voice_id, 'Text': ssml_message}}) except Exception as err: logger.exception("Couldn't send message from %s to %s.", origination_number, destination_number) raise err else: print(f"Message sent!\nMessage ID: {ssml_message}") return response['MessageId'] #Get unique langage codes for the event def getUsersByEventId(event_id, dynamodb=None): if not dynamodb: dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url=dynamo_url) table = dynamodb.Table(user_tbl) response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('event_id').eq(event_id) ) return response['Items'] #Using pinpoint for emails and voice def sendEmail(event_id, message, email, first_name): # sending email SENDER = sender_email RECIPIENT = email SUBJECT = 'New announcement for the event: ' + event_id # The HTML body of the email. BODY_HTML = """

New announcement for the up coming event.

""" CHARSET = "UTF-8" # Create a new SES resource and specify a region. client = boto3.client('ses') # Try to send the email. try: body = BODY_HTML+'
Dear ' + first_name + ',
' + message + '
' send_email_message(SENDER, [RECIPIENT], CHARSET, SUBJECT, body) except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) raise def send_email_message(sender, to_addresses, char_set, subject, html_message): """ Sends an email message with HTML and plain text versions. :param pinpoint_client: A Boto3 Pinpoint client. :param app_id: The Amazon Pinpoint project ID to use when you send this message. :param sender: The "From" address. This address must be verified in Amazon Pinpoint in the AWS Region you're using to send email. :param to_addresses: The addresses on the "To" line. If your Amazon Pinpoint account is in the sandbox, these addresses must be verified. :param char_set: The character encoding to use for the subject line and message body of the email. :param subject: The subject line of the email. :param html_message: The body of the email for recipients whose email clients can display HTML content. :param text_message: The body of the email for recipients whose email clients don't support HTML content. :return: A dict of to_addresses and their message IDs. """ try: pinpoint_client = boto3.client('pinpoint') response = pinpoint_client.send_messages( ApplicationId=app_id, MessageRequest={ 'Addresses': { to_address: {'ChannelType': 'EMAIL'} for to_address in to_addresses }, 'MessageConfiguration': { 'EmailMessage': { 'FromAddress': sender, 'SimpleEmail': { 'Subject': {'Charset': char_set, 'Data': subject}, 'HtmlPart': {'Charset': char_set, 'Data': html_message}}}}}) for to_address, message in response['MessageResponse']['Result'].items() : print('Email Delivery status:', message['DeliveryStatus']) if(message['DeliveryStatus'] != 'SUCCESSFUL') : print('Failed email message:', message) else: print('Email sent!') except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) raise #Sending SMS message to the users def sendSMSMessage(event_id, message, dest_number) : print(f"Sending text messAGE!\Event ID: {event_id}") try: pinpoint_client = boto3.client('pinpoint') response = pinpoint_client.send_messages( ApplicationId=app_id, MessageRequest={ 'Addresses': {dest_number: {'ChannelType': 'SMS'}}, 'MessageConfiguration': { 'SMSMessage': { 'Body': message, 'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL', 'OriginationNumber': origination_number}}}) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't send message.") raise else: return response['MessageResponse']['Result'][dest_number]['MessageId'] def phonemeCode(languageCode) : if languageCode == 'de': return "de-DE" elif languageCode == 'en': return "en-GB" elif languageCode == 'es': return "es-ES" elif languageCode == 'fr': return "fr-FR" elif languageCode == 'pt': return "pt-PT" elif languageCode == 'hi': return "hi-IN" elif languageCode == 'ja': return "ja-JP" elif languageCode == 'ko': return "ko-KR" elif languageCode == 'da': return "da-DK" elif languageCode == 'it': return "it-IT" elif languageCode == 'da': return "da-DK" elif languageCode == 'zh': return "cmn-CN" elif languageCode == 'ru': return "ru-RU" else: return "Unsupported languageCode"