import os import boto3 import json import time import urllib.request from jose import jwk, jwt from jose.utils import base64url_decode # envs COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID = os.environ['COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID'] keys_url = os.environ['COGNITO_KEYS_URL'] # instead of re-downloading the public keys every time # we download them only on cold start # with urllib.request.urlopen(keys_url) as f: response = keys = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))['keys'] def lambda_handler(event, context): print(event) token_data = parse_token_data(event) print(token_data) if token_data['valid'] is False: return get_deny_policy() try: claims = validate_token(token_data['token']) # groups = claims['cognito:groups'] if claims is False: print('token is not valid') return get_deny_policy() print('claims time') print(claims['username']) print(get_response_object(claims['username'])) return get_response_object(claims['username']) except Exception as e: print(e) return get_deny_policy() def get_response_object(userName, principalId='yyyyyyyy', context={}): return { "principalId": principalId, "policyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "NotResource": [ "arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*/*/GET/{}".format(userName) ], "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": "Deny", "Sid": "InvokedPresignedRequest" } ] }, "context": context, "usageIdentifierKey": "{api-key}" } def get_deny_policy(): return { "principalId": "yyyyyyyy", "policyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": "Deny", "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:*:*:*/*/*" } ] }, "context": {}, "usageIdentifierKey": "{api-key}" } def parse_token_data(event): response = {'valid': False} if 'Authorization' not in event['headers']: return response auth_header = event['headers']['Authorization'] auth_header_list = auth_header.split(' ') print(auth_header) print(auth_header_list) # deny request of header isn't made out of two strings, or # first string isn't equal to "Bearer" (enforcing following standards, # but technically could be anything or could be left out completely) if len(auth_header_list) != 2 or auth_header_list[0] != 'Bearer': return response access_token = auth_header_list[1] return { 'valid': True, 'token': access_token } def validate_token(token): # get the kid from the headers prior to verification headers = jwt.get_unverified_headers(token) kid = headers['kid'] # search for the kid in the downloaded public keys key_index = -1 for i in range(len(keys)): if kid == keys[i]['kid']: key_index = i break if key_index == -1: print('Public key not found in jwks.json') return False # construct the public key public_key = jwk.construct(keys[key_index]) # get the last two sections of the token, # message and signature (encoded in base64) message, encoded_signature = str(token).rsplit('.', 1) # decode the signature decoded_signature = base64url_decode(encoded_signature.encode('utf-8')) # verify the signature if not public_key.verify(message.encode("utf8"), decoded_signature): print('Signature verification failed') return False print('Signature successfully verified') # since we passed the verification, we can now safely # use the unverified claims claims = jwt.get_unverified_claims(token) # additionally we can verify the token expiration if time.time() > claims['exp']: print('Token is expired') return False # and the Audience (use claims['client_id'] if verifying an access token) if claims['client_id'] != COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID: print('Token was not issued for this audience') return False # now we can use the claims print(claims) return claims