variable "region" { description = "AWS region to which you deploy this sample." type = string default = "ap-northeast-1" } variable "vpc_cidr" { description = "CIDR for the VPC." type = string default = "" } variable "private_subnets_cidr" { description = "CIDR for the private subnets in the VPC. You must specify two CIDRs." type = list(string) default = [ "", "" ] } variable "public_subnets_cidr" { description = "CIDR for the public subnets in the VPC. You must specify two CIDRs." type = list(string) default = [ "", "" ] } variable "windows_instance_type" { description = "EC2 instance type for the windows instance. Please refer to:" type = string default = "t3.medium" } variable "windows_ami_id" { description = "AMI ID to use when launching the windows instance. We recommend to use AMIs in which NICE DCV server is pre-installed. They also provide AMIs with GPU drivers. Please refer to the link for the actual AMI IDs of your region:;search=dcv;sort=name" type = string default = "ami-0df133300b55a08a4" } variable "allowed_cidr" { description = "CIDR from which you can access NICE DCV instances." type = list(string) default = [""] } variable "fsx_storage_capacity" { description = "Storage capacity(GB) of FSx drive." type = number default = 32 } variable "fsx_throughput_capacity" { description = "Throughput capacity(Mbps) of FSx drive." type = number default = 8 } variable "domain_name" { description = "Domain name for Active Directory." type = string default = "" } variable "admin_password" { description = "Admin password for Active Directory." type = string default = "Passw0rd" }