AWS HPC Cluster Deployment Guide 🚀
### Step 1
To deploy, click:
| Region | Launch |
| North Virginia (us-east-1) | []( |
| Oregon (us-west-2) | []( |
| Ireland (eu-west-1) | []( |
| Frankfurt (eu-central-1) | []( |
More Regions (Click to expand)
** Warning! This QuickStart is untested in the following regions. Use at your own risk **
| Region | Launch |
| Ohio (us-east-2) | []( |
| California (us-west-1) | []( |
| London (eu-west-2) | []( |
| Paris (eu-north-1) | []( |
| Stockholm (eu-north-1) | []( |
| Middle East (me-south-1) | []( |
| South America (sa-east-1) | []( |
| Canada (ca-central-1) | []( |
| Hong Kong (ap-east-1) | []( |
| Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) | []( |
| Seoul (ap-northeast-2) | []( |
| Mumbai (ap-south-1) | []( |
| Singapore (ap-southeast-1) | []( |
| Sydney (ap-southeast-2) | []( |
If you have not authenticated with the [AWS Management Console](, you will be prompted to login with the AWS Account ID or alias, IAM user name, and password that was provided to you.
### Step 2
After clicking `Launch Stack` you will be redirected to the CloudFormation **Quick create stack** screen.
### Step 3
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and leave most of the Parameters as they are.
1. Enter an initial `BudgetLimit` for the project. This will be used to track spending and send an alert when you cross 80%.
2. Update `NotificationEmail` that will receive budget notifications.
3. Fill out the `UserPasswordParameter` with a temporary password. Keep it simple! You will be prompted to change it on first use.
2. Select `I acknowledge that AWS Cloudformation might create IAM resources`.
3. Now, click `Create Stack` to deploy the QuickStart Environment.
### Deployment
Deployment takes about 15 minutes. This QuickStart provisions:
- a Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in the selected region;
- an AWS Parallel Cluster environment, named `hpc-cluster`, for batch scheduled jobs and interactive computing;
- a non-root IAM User, with full Administrator access to the AWS Console to create custom architectures.
- a Budget notification email at `80% of the BudgetLimit`
Provisioning is complete when all Stacks show *CREATE_COMPLETE*.

## Onboarding Users 👨💻👩💻
When all stacks show *CREATE_COMPLETE*, click on the `Outputs` tab of the `AWS-HPC-Quickstart` stack. Send the end-user the following information (3 of 5 are on the Outputs tab):
1. `ResearchWorkspaceURL` -- URL to directly access the Cloud9 Research Environment.
2. `UserLoginUrl` -- To authenticate into the AWS Console to create custom architectures.
3. `UserName` -- The AWS IAM username for the end user.
4. `Password` that you entered to launch the CloudFormation stack.
5. The `USER_GUIDE` included in this repository.
## Embedding this Solution in Your Own CloudFormation Template
Click to expand
NoTears is provided as a standalone CloudFormation template with a large number of parameters. Use-cases where configuration options need to be limited, or NoTears embedded as one component of a broader architecture are also supported. To do this, nest the stack as follows:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
TemplateURL: ''
OperatingSystem: alinux2
EnableBudget: false
CreateUserAndGroups: true
EnableFSxLustre: false
SpackVersion: v0.15.0
An illustrating example is provided in inherit.yaml.
## FAQ 🧐
- If you see the following:
**The security token included in the request is invalid**
It's likely an issue with the account having been just created. Wait for some time and try again.
- On first login to the Cloud9 terminal you may see something like:
Agent pid 3303
Identity added: /home/ec2-user/.ssh/AWS-HPC-Quickstart-NJCH9esX (/home/ec2-user/.ssh/AWS-HPC-Quickstart-NJCH9esX)
Ignore these messages. They indicate that your SSH key for Parallel Cluster was located.
## Developer Setup
Click to expand
> Note: This section is only for developing the solution, to create a cluster, see [Launch the HPC Quickstart Envrionment](#launch-the-hpc-quickstart-environment)
The first step is installing node.js, this can be done easily with Homebrew. After that completes, install aws-cdk:
$ brew install node
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
(Alternatively, use ```brew install aws-cdk```)
Optionally create a python virtualenv or conda environment. We assume this is in ```./.env```.
Now you can activate the python virtualenv and install the python dependencies:
$ source .env/bin/activate # Can be skipped if not using a virtualenv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure your region and aws credentials are setup by running:
$ aws configure
Acquire a Github AuthToken:
1. sign into your account
2. Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens
3. Create token without checking any boxes
4. Copy the provided token and add to your $HOME/.bashrc:
At this point, it's time to setup CDK, the following needs to be done once in each account:
$ cdk bootstrap
And finally, deploy the app:
$ cdk deploy --parameters UserPasswordParameter=******* --parameters NotificationEmail=*******
I've surely missed a bunch of python dependencies, the format for installing those is:
$ pip install aws-cdk.custom-resources
Once it finishes deploy, you'll get an ouput with a link to the Cloud9 URL. Click on that to quickly see the Cloud9 result:

## Deploying to Public Bucket
Use the include `` script to publish the template and assets (lambda zips, bootstrap scripts, etc.) in an S3 bucket.
$ sh [target-bucket-name]
This will create a modified `cfn.yaml` in the app directory. The script also creates buckets:
- s3://`target-bucket-name`, the central repository for the template and assets
- s3://`target-bucket-name`-`region`, a clone of the central repository, where `region` expands to all AWS public regions.
Before publishing the template, the upload script synthesizes a yaml template and transforms the parameters and asset URLs to match the regional buckets. The final output, `cfn.yaml`, will reflect all changes.
## Pro-Tips
Use `cdk synth | less` to see the generated template.
Provide parameters to the stack via `cdk deploy --parameters pcluster:KEY=VALUE`.
## Useful commands
* `cdk ls` list all stacks in the app
* `cdk synth` emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
* `cdk deploy` deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region (remember to update the version number on the quick launch buttons in the README!)
* `cdk diff` compare deployed stack with current state
* `cdk docs` open CDK documentation