import boto3 import sys import time client = boto3.client('pinpoint') stack_name = sys.argv[1] recommender_model_arn = sys.argv[2] lambda_transform = sys.argv[3] pinpoint_role = sys.argv[4] pinpoint_application_id = sys.argv[5] from_address = sys.argv[6] bucket_name = sys.argv[7] segment_s3_location = "s3://" + bucket_name + "/pinpoint/pinpoint-users.csv" ################################################################################### #Get the account and region from the data passed in accountInfo = recommender_model_arn.split(":") accountId = accountInfo[4] region = accountInfo[3] ################################################################################### #Add the ML model response = client.create_recommender_configuration( CreateRecommenderConfiguration={ 'Attributes': { 'Recommendations.RecommendedItems': 'RECOMMENDED_ITEM', 'Recommendations.FriendlyRecommendation': 'FRIENDLY_RECOMMENDATION' }, 'Name': stack_name + "-recommender", 'RecommendationProviderIdType': 'PINPOINT_USER_ID', 'RecommendationProviderRoleArn': pinpoint_role, 'RecommendationProviderUri': recommender_model_arn, 'RecommendationTransformerUri': lambda_transform, 'RecommendationsPerMessage': 1 } ) recommenderId = response['RecommenderConfigurationResponse']["Id"] ################################################################################### #Create email template response = client.create_email_template( EmailTemplateRequest={ 'DefaultSubstitutions': '{"Recommendations.FriendlyRecommendation": ""}', 'HtmlPart': '
Help us help Haiti

Hi {{User.UserAttributes.FirstName}}!

For many children in Haiti, a safe education is merely a dream. Tons of schools are in need of repair, while an alarming nubmer of communiites don''t have schools at all. This means that children like Martha don''t have a safe place to learn.

At MyCharity, we believe that, together with your help, we can change that.


', 'RecommenderId': recommenderId, 'Subject': 'Latest updates on our mission', 'TextPart': 'Hi {{User.UserAttributes.FirstName}}! For many children in Haiti, a safe education is merely a dream. Tons of schools are in need of repair, while an alarming nubmer of communities don''t have schools at all. This means that children like Martha don''t have a safe place to learn. At MyCharity, we believe that, together with your help, we can change that. {{Recommendations.FriendlyRecommendation}}' }, TemplateName=stack_name + "_template" ) ################################################################################### #Enable the email channel ses = boto3.client('ses') response = ses.verify_email_identity( EmailAddress=from_address ) #Ensure the email has been verified before proceeding... response = ses.get_identity_verification_attributes(Identities=[from_address]) verifiedStatus = False try: if response['VerificationAttributes'][from_address]['VerificationStatus'] == 'Success': verifiedStatus = True except: pass if not verifiedStatus: print('') print('**********************************************************************************************') print("Waiting for SES email address to be verified. Please check your email and click the verification link.") while not verifiedStatus: time.sleep(60) response = ses.get_identity_verification_attributes(Identities=[from_address]) try: if response['VerificationAttributes'][from_address]['VerificationStatus'] == 'Success': verifiedStatus = True print('SES email address has been verified. Continuing with the build-out.') else: print('Waiting for SES email address to be verified. Please check your email...') except: print('Waiting for SES email address to be verified. Please check your email...') #Email has been verified, so proceed response = client.update_email_channel( ApplicationId=pinpoint_application_id, EmailChannelRequest={ 'Enabled': True, 'FromAddress': from_address, 'Identity': "arn:aws:ses:" + region + ":" + accountId + ":identity/" + from_address, 'RoleArn': pinpoint_role } ) ################################################################################### #Create campaign segment response = client.create_import_job( ApplicationId=pinpoint_application_id, ImportJobRequest={ 'DefineSegment': True, 'Format': 'CSV', 'RegisterEndpoints': True, 'RoleArn': pinpoint_role, 'S3Url': segment_s3_location, 'SegmentName': 'all_users' } ) segmentId = response['ImportJobResponse']['Definition']['SegmentId'] #Sleep for 30 seconds to allow the job to complete time.sleep(30) ################################################################################### #Create email campaign response = client.create_campaign( ApplicationId=pinpoint_application_id, WriteCampaignRequest={ 'Name': stack_name + '_campaign', 'SegmentId': segmentId, 'TemplateConfiguration': { 'EmailTemplate': { 'Name': stack_name + '_template' } }, 'HoldoutPercent': 0, 'Schedule': { 'IsLocalTime': False, 'Timezone': 'UTC-07', 'StartTime': 'IMMEDIATE' } } )