import boto3 import sys from botocore.exceptions import ParamValidationError from datetime import datetime from tqdm import tqdm from botocore.config import Config from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import pytz ## Usage Notes: ### variables need from the users: #### CapacityReservationID -- The ID of the Capacity Reservation that you want to modify #### InstanceCount (integer) -- The number of instances for which to reserve capacity. The number of instances can't be increased or decreased by more than 1000 in a single request. #### EndDateType (String)-- Indicates the way in which the Capacity Reservation ends. A Capacity Reservation can have one of the following end types: ####unlimited - The Capacity Reservation remains active until you explicitly cancel it. Do not provide an EndDate if the EndDateType is unlimited . ####limited - The Capacity Reservation expires automatically at a specified date and time. You must provide an EndDate value if the EndDateType value is limited . #### For setting ODCR for limited periond, EndDateType = limited ### EndDate (datetime) -- The date and time at which the Capacity Reservation expires. When a Capacity Reservation expires, the reserved capacity is released and you can no longer launch instances into it. The Capacity Reservation's state changes to expired when it reaches its end date and time. #### You must provide an EndDate value if EndDateType is limited . Omit EndDate if EndDateType is unlimited . #### If the EndDateType is limited , the Capacity Reservation is cancelled within an hour from the specified time. For example, if you specify 5/31/2019, 13:30:55, the Capacity Reservation is guaranteed to end between 13:30:55 and 14:30:55 on 5/31/2019. ### Ensure you've appropriate permission to Describe instances and reserve capacity #### EC2 - modify capacity_reservation #### if EndDateType is unlimited. Do not provide EndDate ### You must provide three parameters while executing the file #### CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time #### Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited' ### You must provide four parameters while executing the file #### CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType EndDate. Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time #### Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00' # datetime object containing current date and time # datetime object containing current date and time CurrentDate = print ("Current Date = ", CurrentDate) # verifying the argument provided the user before excuting modify CR api if len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) < 4: print ("Command to run code to modify to unlimited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited'" ) print ("Note: CapacityReservationId starts with 'cr-'." ) print ("Command to run code to modify to limited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType EndDate. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00'" ) print ("Note: CapacityReservationId starts with 'cr-'. EndDate is in the standard UTC time") sys.exit() else: print ("capacity Reservation Id is ", sys.argv[1]) CapacityReservationId = sys.argv[1] if CapacityReservationId.split('-')[0] !='cr': print ("Command to run code to modify to unlimited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited'" ) print ("Note: CapacityReservationId starts with 'cr-'." ) sys.exit() InstanceCount = sys.argv[2] #formatting Instances counts to Int try: IC = int(InstanceCount) if IC < 0: print ("Please ensure that the number of instances you are trying to modify is greater than zero. The Instance count is ", IC) sys.exit() except ValueError as err: print("Unable to parse InstanceCount as an integer") print ("Command to run code to modify to unlimited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited'" ) print ("Command to run code to modify limited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType EndDate. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00'" ) print ("Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time") sys.exit() EndDateType =sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) == 4 and EndDateType == 'limited': print ("Command to run code to modify limited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType EndDate. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00'" ) print ("Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time") sys.exit() elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and EndDateType == 'unlimited': print ("Command to run code to modify to unlimited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited'" ) print ("Ensure the instance count is an integer value") sys.exit() elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and EndDateType == 'limited': EndDate= sys.argv[4] format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' try: datetime.strptime(EndDate, format) except ValueError: print ("End Date format is not correct. The correct format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS. Here is the command to run code for limited ODCR is - EndDateType EndDate. Ex: 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00' ") sys.exit() EndDate_obj = datetime.strptime(EndDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC') timezone_date_time_obj = timezone.localize(EndDate_obj) print ("End Date = ", timezone_date_time_obj) # Exit program if EndDateType is not set as 'limited' if EndDateType != 'limited': print ("Command to run code for unlimited ODCR is - EndDateType. Ex: 'unlimited'.") print ("Do not specify EndDate") sys.exit() #Exit program if End Data has already passed Current Date if CurrentDate > timezone_date_time_obj: print ("The specified EndDate has already passed. Specify an EndDate in the future.") print ("Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time") sys.exit() else: pass #Find capacity reservation region def describeCapacityReservationRegion(): odcr = boto3.client('ec2') regions = odcr.describe_regions() for region in tqdm(regions['Regions']): RegionName = region['RegionName'] #print (RegionName) #print ("Analyzing Region ", RegionName) my_config = Config( region_name = RegionName, signature_version = 'v4', retries = { 'max_attempts': 10, 'mode': 'standard' } ) client = boto3.client('ec2', config=my_config) try: response = client.describe_capacity_reservations( CapacityReservationIds=[ CapacityReservationId, ], ) if response['CapacityReservations'][0]['State'] != 'active': print ("The state of the Capacity reservation/{} is {}. To cancel Capacity Reservation, please ensure that the state of the Capacity Reservation is active".format(CapacityReservationId, response['CapacityReservations'][0]['State'])) sys.exit() except ClientError as err: if (err.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidCapacityReservationId.NotFound'): pass else: print ("Command to run code to modify to unlimited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'unlimited'" ) print ("Ensure the instance count is an integer value") print ("Command to run code to modify limited ODCR is - CapacityReservationId InstanceCount EndDateType EndDate. Ex: 'cr-05e6a94b99915xxxx' '1' 'limited' '2022-01-31 14:30:00'" ) print ("Note: EndDate is in the standard UTC time") sys.exit() region = (response['CapacityReservations'][0]['CapacityReservationArn']).split(':')[3] return region # This method will allow to Modify exiting ODCR. # InstanceCount (integer) -- The number of instances for which to reserve capacity. The number of instances can't be increased or decreased by more than 1000 in a single request. def modifyODCR(region): modify = boto3.client('ec2',region_name=region) if EndDateType == 'limited': ModifyODCR = modify.modify_capacity_reservation( CapacityReservationId=CapacityReservationId, InstanceCount= int(InstanceCount), EndDate=EndDate, EndDateType=EndDateType, DryRun=False ) else: ModifyODCR = modify.modify_capacity_reservation( CapacityReservationId=CapacityReservationId, InstanceCount= int(InstanceCount), EndDateType=EndDateType, DryRun=False ) return ModifyODCR['Return'] def main(): region = describeCapacityReservationRegion() if modifyODCR(region): print ("Capacity Modification request succeeds") else: print ("Capacity Modification request does not succeed") if __name__ == "__main__": main()