## The following is a set of default values for prometheus server helm chart which enable remoteWrite to AMP ## For the rest of prometheus helm chart values see: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/prometheus/values.yaml ## serviceAccounts: ## Disable alert manager roles ## server: name: "amp-iamproxy-ingest-role" create: false alertmanager: create: false ## Disable pushgateway ## pushgateway: create: false server: remoteWrite: - queue_config: max_samples_per_send: 1000 max_shards: 200 capacity: 2500 ## Use a statefulset instead of a deployment for resiliency ## statefulSet: enabled: true ## Store blocks locally for short time period only ## retention: 1h ## Disable alert manager ## alertmanager: enabled: false ## Disable pushgateway ## prometheus-pushgateway: enabled: false