#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail script_name=$0 function usage(){ echo "Usage: ${script_name} AMP_WORKSPACE_ID ECR_REPOSITORY_URI REGION"; return 1; } [ $# -ne 3 ] && usage WORKSPACE_ID=$1 ECR_REPOSITORY_URI=$2 REGION=$3 image_name="${ECR_REPOSITORY_URI#*/}" # Verify AMP workspace, ECR image and region aws amp describe-workspace --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID --region $REGION > /dev/null aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names ${ECR_REPOSITORY_URI#*/} --region $REGION >/dev/null # setup dockerfile mkdir -p "/tmp/$image_name" cd "/tmp/$image_name" cat > Dockerfile <<EOF FROM public.ecr.aws/aws-observability/aws-otel-collector:v0.21.0 COPY config.yaml /etc/ecs/otel-config.yaml CMD ["--config=/etc/ecs/otel-config.yaml"] EOF # Create config file cat > config.yaml <<EOF extensions: sigv4auth: region: $REGION receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: http: endpoint: prometheus: config: global: scrape_interval: 15s scrape_timeout: 10s scrape_configs: - job_name: "test-prometheus-sample-app" static_configs: - targets: [ ] awsecscontainermetrics: collection_interval: 15s processors: resourcedetection: detectors: - env - system - ecs - ec2 batch/traces: timeout: 1s send_batch_size: 50 filter: metrics: include: match_type: strict metric_names: - ecs.task.memory.utilized - ecs.task.memory.reserved - ecs.task.memory.usage - ecs.task.cpu.utilized - ecs.task.cpu.reserved - ecs.task.cpu.usage.vcpu - ecs.task.network.rate.rx - ecs.task.network.rate.tx - ecs.task.storage.read_bytes - ecs.task.storage.write_bytes metricstransform: transforms: - include: ecs.task.memory.utilized action: update new_name: MemoryUtilized - include: ecs.task.memory.reserved action: update new_name: MemoryReserved - include: ecs.task.memory.usage action: update new_name: MemoryUsage - include: ecs.task.cpu.utilized action: update new_name: CpuUtilized - include: ecs.task.cpu.reserved action: update new_name: CpuReserved - include: ecs.task.cpu.usage.vcpu action: update new_name: CpuUsage - include: ecs.task.network.rate.rx action: update new_name: NetworkRxBytes - include: ecs.task.network.rate.tx action: update new_name: NetworkTxBytes - include: ecs.task.storage.read_bytes action: update new_name: StorageReadBytes - include: ecs.task.storage.write_bytes action: update new_name: StorageWriteBytes resource: attributes: - key: ClusterName from_attribute: aws.ecs.cluster.name action: insert - key: aws.ecs.cluster.name action: delete - key: ServiceName from_attribute: aws.ecs.service.name action: insert - key: aws.ecs.service.name action: delete - key: TaskId from_attribute: aws.ecs.task.id action: insert - key: aws.ecs.task.id action: delete - key: TaskDefinitionFamily from_attribute: aws.ecs.task.family action: insert - key: aws.ecs.task.family action: delete exporters: awsxray: prometheusremotewrite: endpoint: "https://aps-workspaces.$REGION.amazonaws.com/workspaces/$WORKSPACE_ID/api/v1/remote_write" auth: authenticator: sigv4auth logging: loglevel: debug service: extensions: [sigv4auth] pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [resourcedetection, batch/traces] exporters: [awsxray] metrics: receivers: [prometheus] exporters: [logging, prometheusremotewrite] metrics/ecs: receivers: [awsecscontainermetrics] processors: [filter] exporters: [logging, prometheusremotewrite] EOF # Build and push image docker build . -t $image_name aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_REPOSITORY_URI docker tag "$image_name:latest" $ECR_REPOSITORY_URI docker push $ECR_REPOSITORY_URI cd -