import os import json from neo4j import GraphDatabase import boto3 # Values here are created as environment variables in the terraform deployment ENDPOINT = os.environ.get("GRAPH_URI") # "this should look something like: bolt://" GRAPH_URI = f"bolt://{ENDPOINT}" EVENT_BUS_NAME = os.environ.get("EVENT_BUS_NAME") EVENT_SCHEMA = os.environ.get("EVENT_SCHEMA") ALGORITHM = os.environ.get("ALGORITHM") # lambda entrypoint def lambda_handler(event, context): """ lambda_handler is the entrypoint for the AWS Lambda function :param event: the SQSEvent that triggered the lambda """ print("----------------================ BEGIN ================----------------") driver = GraphDatabase.driver(GRAPH_URI, auth=("ignored", "ignored"), encrypted=True) session = driver.session() # populate the database if there's nothing in it if not session.execute_read(check_graph_exists, "Service A"): print("Service A Not Found") populate_graph(session) # get the source information from the sqs event body = json.loads(event["Records"][0]["body"]) source_service = body["sourceService"] souerce_resource = body["sourceResource"] print(f"Event ({source_service}, {souerce_resource})") # interrogate the graph services = session.execute_read(get_affected_services, souerce_resource) if not any(services): print("No affected services found") print("----------------================ COMPLETED ================----------------") return {"statusCode": 200} print("Affected Services = ", json.dumps(services)) # construct the notification and put it to eventbridge for routing to queue(s) notification = { "sourceService": source_service, "sourceResource": souerce_resource, "notifyServices": services } put_notification(notification) print("----------------================ COMPLETED ================----------------") return {"statusCode": 200} def check_graph_exists(transaction, service_id) -> bool: """ check_graph_exists queries the graph for a given Service Id and returns a boolean indicating whether or not it was found :param transaction: transaction :param service_id: the id of the service to look for """ query = f"MATCH (s:Service) WHERE s.serviceId = \"{service_id}\" RETURN s.serviceId" result = return any(result) def populate_graph(session) -> None: """ populate_graph creates the initial set of services and resources in the graph, as well as their relationships :param session: db session """ print("Clearing DB...") session.execute_write(clear_data) print("Creating Services...") session.execute_write(create_service, "Service A") session.execute_write(create_service, "Service B") session.execute_write(create_service, "Service C") session.execute_write(create_service, "Service D") session.execute_write(create_service, "Service E") print("Creating Resources...") session.execute_write(create_resource, "Service A", "Resource 1") session.execute_write(create_resource, "Service B", "Resource 2") session.execute_write(create_resource, "Service C", "Resource 3") session.execute_write(create_resource, "Service D", "Resource 4") session.execute_write(create_resource, "Service E", "Resource 5") print("Creating Relationships...") session.execute_write(create_relationship, "Resource 1", "Resource 2") session.execute_write(create_relationship, "Resource 2", "Resource 3") session.execute_write(create_relationship, "Resource 2", "Resource 4") session.execute_write(create_relationship, "Resource 3", "Resource 5") print("Creation Completed") def clear_data(transaction) -> None: """ clear_data removes all data from the database :param transaction: transaction """"MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") def create_service(transaction, service_id) -> None: """ create_service creates a node in the database of type Service :param transaction: transaction """"CREATE (s:Service {{ serviceId:\"{service_id}\" }})") def create_resource(transaction, service_id, resource_name) -> None: """ create_resource creates a resource owned by a given service :param transaction: transaction :param service_id: the id of the existing service that will own the resource :param resource_name: the name of the resource """"CREATE (r:Resource {{ name:\"{resource_name}\" }})")"MATCH (s:Service), (r:Resource) WHERE s.serviceId = \"{service_id}\" AND = \"{resource_name}\" CREATE (s)-[:OWNS]->(r)") def create_relationship(transaction, resource_source_name, resource_target_name) -> None: """ create_relationship creates a directed affects relationship between 2 resources :param transaction: transaction :param resource_source_name: the name of the source resource of the affects relationship :param resource_target_name: the name of the target resource of the affects relationship """"MATCH (rs:Resource {{ name:\"{resource_source_name}\" }}), (rt:Resource {{ name:\"{resource_target_name}\" }}) CREATE (rs)-[:AFFECTS]->(rt)") def get_affected_services(transaction, resource_source_name): """ get_affected_services interrogates the graph to find which services will be affected according to the algorithm used :param transaction: transaction :param resource_source_name: name of the source resource :return: a list of tuples containing (target service Id, target resource name) """ print("Getting affected services") records = [] query = get_query(resource_source_name) result =, resourceSourceName=resource_source_name) for record in result: records.append(record["st.serviceId"]) return records def get_query(resource_source_name) -> str: """ get_query creates the graph query given the ALGORITHM passed as an environment variable. Defaults to downstream_all :param resource_source_name: the name of the resource that experienced the event and the start of the search path """ print(f"Requested algorithm: {ALGORITHM}") if ALGORITHM == "downstream_all": print("Using algorithm: downstream_all") # Note the variable-length path indicated by the asterisk in [:AFFECTS*] return f"""MATCH (r:Resource)-[:AFFECTS*]->(rt:Resource)<-[:OWNS]-(st:Service) WHERE = \"{resource_source_name}\" RETURN DISTINCT st.serviceId,""" if ALGORITHM == "downstream_adjacent": print("Using algorithm: downstream_adjacent") # Note the single path length indicated by the lack of an asterisk in [:AFFECTS] return f"""MATCH (r:Resource)-[:AFFECTS]->(rt:Resource)<-[:OWNS]-(st:Service) WHERE = \"{resource_source_name}\" RETURN DISTINCT st.serviceId,""" if ALGORITHM == "downstream_leaves": print("Using algorithm: downstream_leaves") # Note the clause that limits the path to select resource target (rt) nodes that do NOT have an AFFECTS relationship to another node return f"""MATCH (r:Resource)-[:AFFECTS*]->(rt:Resource)<-[:OWNS]-(st:Service) WHERE = \"{resource_source_name}\" AND not(rt)-[:AFFECTS]->() RETURN DISTINCT st.serviceId,""" if ALGORITHM == "upstream_all": print("Using algorithm: upstream_all") return f"""MATCH (st:>Service)-[:OWNS]->(rt:Resource)-[:AFFECTS*]->(r:Resource) WHERE = \"{resource_source_name}\" RETURN DISTINCT st.serviceId,""" print("Using algorithm: downstream_all") return f"""MATCH (r:Resource)-[:AFFECTS*]->(rt:Resource)<-[:OWNS]-(st:Service) WHERE = \"{resource_source_name}\" RETURN DISTINCT st.serviceId,""" def put_notification(detail) -> None: """ put_notification puts an event to Amazon EventBridge with the detail given :param detail: The detail to include in the event """ print("Publishing notification(s)") client = boto3.client("events") client.put_events( Entries=[ { "Source": "Lambda", "EventBusName": EVENT_BUS_NAME, "DetailType": EVENT_SCHEMA, "Detail": json.dumps(detail) } ] )