variable "region" { type = string } variable "vpc_id" { type = string description = "the id of the VPC to provision into" } variable "vpc_subnets_private_ids" { type = list(string) description = "the ids of the private subnets (2)" } variable "ingress_queue_name" { type = string description = "the name to use for the queue that events are sent to" default = "resource-events" } variable "egress_bus_name" { type = string description = "the name to use for the event bus that notifications are set to" default = "resource-notifications" } variable "lambda_name" { type = string description = "the name of the lambda function as well as the name of the zip file (without the extension)" default = "app-lambda" } variable "algorithm" { type = string description = "the algorithm that the lambda will use to determine which services to notify" default = "downstream_all" validation { condition = contains(["downstream_all", "downstream_adjacent", "downstream_leaves", "upstream_all"], var.algorithm) error_message = "valid values for algorithm are [downstream_all, downstream_adjacent, downstream_leaves, upstream_all]" } }