from PIL import Image from pathlib import Path import tarfile import random from itertools import chain from autocrop import Cropper def extract_tar(tar_obj, extract_path): with as tar: tar.extractall(extract_path) def detect_and_resize(image_path): """Crop around face and resize an image to 512x512.""" cropper = Cropper(width=512, height=512) cropped_array = cropper.crop(image_path) if cropped_array is None: raise ValueError("No face detected in image.") return Image.fromarray(cropped_array) def preprocess_images(tar_obj): tmp_path = Path(f"/tmp/{random.randint(0, 1000000)}") while tmp_path.exists(): tmp_path = Path(f"/tmp/{random.randint(0, 1000000)}") tmp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) extract_tar(tar_obj, tmp_path) dest_path = tmp_path / "cropped" dest_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for n,img_path in enumerate(chain(tmp_path.glob("*.[jJ][pP][Gg]"),tmp_path.glob("*.[Pp][Nn][Gg]"))): try: cropped = detect_and_resize(img_path.as_posix()) / f"image_{n}.png") except ValueError: print(f"Could not detect face in {img_path}. Skipping.") continue return dest_path