--- title: "Using your Own AWS Account" weight: 15 --- This section will cover provisioning a IAM role with the needed managed policies. The environment needs to have the following tools installed. 1. [An AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/) 1. Create a IAM role named **PolicyAsCodeRole** for configuring Cloud9 instance and deploying AWS CodePipeline. 1. Go to the AWS Console, search for IAM in the search box and then select **IAM**. ![IAM Search](/static/images/prerequisites/iam-aws-console-search.png) 1. Push the **Create role** button in the top left corner of the browser: ![Create role](/static/images/prerequisites/create-role.png) 1. Select EC2 service. ![Select EC2 service](/static/images/prerequisites/select-ec2-service.png) 1. Select **Next: Permissions** and select the following policies. Find the policies using the **Filter policies**: ![Select AdministratorAccess Policy](/static/images/prerequisites/administrator-access-policy.png) ![Select AWSCodeCommitPowerUser Policy](/static/images/prerequisites/codecommit-power-user.png) ![Select AWSCodePipeline_ReadOnlyAccess Policy](/static/images/prerequisites/codepipeline-readonly.png) ![Select AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile Policy](/static/images/prerequisites/cloud9ssm-profile.png) The following AWS Managed Policies need to be attached to the role: * AdministratorAccess * AWSCodeCommitPowerUser * AWSCodePipeline_ReadOnlyAccess * AWSCloud9SSMInstanceProfile 1. Click **Next: Tags** and **Next: Review**. You should see a review screen like this: ![Select Review IAM Role](/static/images/prerequisites/review-iam-role.png) Click on **Create role**.