--- title: "Installing the Tools" weight: 40 --- This section will cover the installation of the tools needed to run through this workshop as well as the deployment of the AWS CodePipeline. 1. Navigate to Cloud9 in the AWS console and open the Cloud9 environment you created earlier (or was pre-created if you are attending an AWS sponsored event.) 1. Install the command line tools by running these commands from the Cloud9 environment's shell: ```bash cd ~/environment/policy-as-code source ./cdk/ide/scripts/bootstrap.sh ``` Next explore one of these sections: - [Preventative Controls](/pac-action/preventative) - [AWS CDK/CF and CloudFormation Guard](/pac-action/preventative/cfn-validation) - [Terraform HCL and Regula/OPA](/pac-action/preventative/hcl-validation) ::alert[Terraform HCL and Regula/OPA section currently only covers the preventative controls.] - [CloudFormation Guard Basics](/pac-tools/cfn-guard/the-basics)