variable "region" { description = "Please enter the region used to deploy this infrastructure" type = string } variable "eks_cluster_version" { description = "Please enter the EKS cluster version" type = string } variable "eks_cluster_name" { description = "Please enter an EKS cluster name" type = string } variable "lin_instance_type" { description = "Please enter the instance type to be used for the Linux worker nodes" type = string } variable "lin_min_size" { description = "Please enter the minimal size for the Linux ASG" type = string } variable "lin_max_size" { description = "Please enter the maximal size for the Linux ASG" type = string } variable "lin_desired_size" { description = "Please enter the desired size for the Linux ASG" type = string } variable "win_min_size" { description = "Please enter the minimal size for the Windows ASG" type = string } variable "win_max_size" { description = "Please enter the maximal size for the Windows ASG" type = string } variable "win_desired_size" { description = "Please enter the desired size for the Windows ASG" type = string } variable "win_instance_type" { description = "Please enter the instance type to be used for the Windows worker nodes" type = string } variable "node_host_key_name" { description = "Please enter the name of the SSH key pair that should be assigned to the worker nodes of the cluster" type = string }