package aws import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "log" "" "" ) const ( IpAddressAttribute = "AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4" PortNumberAttribute = "AWS_INSTANCE_PORT" ClusterNameAttribute = "ECS_CLUSTER_NAME" ServiceNameAttribute = "ECS_SERVICE_NAME" TaskDefinitionAttribute = "ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FAMILY" MetricsPortTag = "METRICS_PORT" MetricsPathTag = "METRICS_PATH" EcsMetricsPortTag = "ECS_METRICS_PORT" EcsMetricsPathTag = "ECS_METRICS_PATH" ) type CloudMapClient struct { service *servicediscovery.ServiceDiscovery } type ServiceDiscoveryInstance struct { service *string instanceId *string attributes map[string]*string } type InstanceScrapeConfig struct { Targets []string `json:"targets,omitempty"` Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` } // // Retrieve a JSON object that provides a list of ECS targets to be scraped for Prometheus metrics // func GetPrometheusScrapeConfig(selectedNamespaces []string) *string { client := &CloudMapClient{service: servicediscovery.New(sharedSession)} sdNamespaces, _ := client.getNamespaces() sdServicesMap, _ := client.getServices(selectedNamespaces, sdNamespaces) scrapeConfigurations := make([]*InstanceScrapeConfig, 0) for sdNamespace, sdServices := range sdServicesMap { for _, service := range sdServices { serviceTags := client.getServiceTags(service) sdInstances, _ := client.getInstances(service) for _, instance := range sdInstances { appScrapeConfig, _ := client.getInstanceScrapeConfigurationApplication(instance, serviceTags, &sdNamespace) infraScrapeConfig, _ := client.getInstanceScrapeConfigurationInfrastructure(instance, serviceTags, &sdNamespace) if appScrapeConfig != nil { scrapeConfigurations = append(scrapeConfigurations, appScrapeConfig) } if infraScrapeConfig != nil { scrapeConfigurations = append(scrapeConfigurations, infraScrapeConfig) } } } } jsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(scrapeConfigurations, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Println(err) return aws.String("") } jsonString := string(jsonBytes) return &jsonString } // // Get a list of all ServiceDiscovery namespaces and their respective IDs available under Cloud Map // func (c *CloudMapClient) getNamespaces() (map[string]string, error) { filterType := aws.String("TYPE") filterCondition := aws.String("EQ") filterValues := []*string{aws.String("DNS_PRIVATE")} namespaceFilter := servicediscovery.NamespaceFilter{ Name: filterType, Values: filterValues, Condition: filterCondition} listNamespacesOutput, err := c.service.ListNamespaces(&servicediscovery.ListNamespacesInput{Filters: []*servicediscovery.NamespaceFilter{&namespaceFilter}}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return nil, err } sdNamespaces := make(map[string]string) for _, namespaceSummary := range listNamespacesOutput.Namespaces { sdNamespaces[*namespaceSummary.Name] = *namespaceSummary.Id } return sdNamespaces, nil } // // Cycle through each ServiceDiscovery namespace and find the list of ServiceDiscovery services // func (c *CloudMapClient) getServices(selectedNamespaces []string, sdNamespaces map[string]string) (map[string][]*servicediscovery.ServiceSummary, error) { sdServicesMap := make(map[string][]*servicediscovery.ServiceSummary) sdServicesCount := 0 for _, name := range selectedNamespaces { sdServices := make([]*servicediscovery.ServiceSummary, 0) if id, present := sdNamespaces[name]; present { fmt.Printf("Discovering scraping targets in the namespace '%s'\n", name) filterType := aws.String("NAMESPACE_ID") filterCondition := aws.String("EQ") filterValues := []*string{&id} serviceFilter := servicediscovery.ServiceFilter{ Name: filterType, Values: filterValues, Condition: filterCondition} listServiceOutput, err := c.service.ListServices(&servicediscovery.ListServicesInput{Filters: []*servicediscovery.ServiceFilter{&serviceFilter}}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return nil, err } for _, serviceSummary := range listServiceOutput.Services { sdServices = append(sdServices, serviceSummary) sdServicesCount++ } sdServicesMap[name] = sdServices } } fmt.Printf("No.of services discovered for scraping = %d\n", sdServicesCount) return sdServicesMap, nil } // // Retrieve the list of tags associated with each ServiceDiscovery service. // Tags are used to specify the URL path and port for endpoint where metrics are scraped from // We are resorting to using tags because ServiceDiscovery API does not yet support adding custom attributes // func (c *CloudMapClient) getServiceTags(summary *servicediscovery.ServiceSummary) map[string]*string { tags := make(map[string]*string) getListTagsForResourceOutput, _ := c.service.ListTagsForResource(&servicediscovery.ListTagsForResourceInput{ResourceARN: summary.Arn}) for _, serviceTag := range getListTagsForResourceOutput.Tags { tags[*serviceTag.Key] = serviceTag.Value } return tags } // // Retrieve the list of ServiceDiscovery instances associated with each ServiceDiscovery service // For each ServiceDiscovery instance, retrieve the default ECS attributes // func (c *CloudMapClient) getInstances(serviceSummary *servicediscovery.ServiceSummary) ([]*ServiceDiscoveryInstance, error) { sdInstaces := make([]*ServiceDiscoveryInstance, 0) getListInstancesOutput, err := c.service.ListInstances(&servicediscovery.ListInstancesInput{ServiceId: serviceSummary.Id}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return nil, err } for _, instanceSummary := range getListInstancesOutput.Instances { sdInstance := ServiceDiscoveryInstance{service: serviceSummary.Name, instanceId: instanceSummary.Id, attributes: instanceSummary.Attributes} sdInstaces = append(sdInstaces, &sdInstance) } fmt.Printf("No.of instances discovered for scraping in service '%s' = %d\n", *serviceSummary.Name, len(sdInstaces)) return sdInstaces, nil } // // Construct Prometheus scrape configuration for each ServiceDiscovery instance based on its attributes and the associated ServiceDiscovery service tags // func (c *CloudMapClient) getInstanceScrapeConfigurationApplication(sdInstance *ServiceDiscoveryInstance, serviceTags map[string]*string, sdNamespace *string) (*InstanceScrapeConfig, error) { // Path for application metrics endpoint is expected as a resource tag with the key 'METRICS_PATH' metricsPath, present := serviceTags[MetricsPathTag] if !present { return nil, nil } // This is relevant for ECS tasks using bridge networking mode that are using host->container port mapping. // Port number of the resource is available, by default, as an attribute with the key 'AWS_INSTANCE_PORT' defaultPort, present := sdInstance.attributes[PortNumberAttribute] if !present { defaultPort = aws.String("80") } // Application metrics port is expected as a resource tag with the key 'METRICS_PORT' metricsPort, present := serviceTags[MetricsPortTag] if !present { metricsPort = defaultPort } return c.getInstanceScrapeConfiguration(sdInstance, metricsPort, metricsPath, sdNamespace) } // // This is relevant when the application is deployed along with a side-car container which exposes Docker stats as Prometheus metrics // The Docker stats are available at the Task metadata endpoint ${ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4}/stats // provides an implementation of a side-car that exposes Docker stats as Prometheus metrics // func (c *CloudMapClient) getInstanceScrapeConfigurationInfrastructure(sdInstance *ServiceDiscoveryInstance, serviceTags map[string]*string, sdNamespace *string) (*InstanceScrapeConfig, error) { // Path for infrastructure metrics endpoint is expected as a resource tag with the key 'ECS_METRICS_PATH' metricsPath, present := serviceTags[EcsMetricsPathTag] if !present { return nil, nil } // Infrastructure Metrics port is expected as a resource tag with the key 'ECS_METRICS_PORT' metricsPort, present := serviceTags[EcsMetricsPortTag] if !present { return nil, nil } return c.getInstanceScrapeConfiguration(sdInstance, metricsPort, metricsPath, sdNamespace) } func (c *CloudMapClient) getInstanceScrapeConfiguration(sdInstance *ServiceDiscoveryInstance, metricsPort *string, metricsPath *string, sdNamespace *string) (*InstanceScrapeConfig, error) { labels := make(map[string]string) targets := make([]string, 0) // IP address of the resource is available, by default, as an attribute with the key 'AWS_INSTANCE_IPV4' address, present := sdInstance.attributes[IpAddressAttribute] if !present { return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find IP address for instance in service %v", sdInstance.service)) } targets = append(targets, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *address, *metricsPort)) // // ECS Task instances registered in Cloud Map are assigned the following default attributes // ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, ECS_SERVICE_NAME, ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FAMILY // Add these attributes as labels to be attached to the Prometheus metric // cluster, present := sdInstance.attributes[ClusterNameAttribute] if present { labels["cluster"] = *cluster } service, present := sdInstance.attributes[ServiceNameAttribute] if present { labels["service"] = *service } taskdefinition, present := sdInstance.attributes[TaskDefinitionAttribute] if present { labels["taskdefinition"] = *taskdefinition } labels["namespace"] = *sdNamespace labels["taskid"] = *sdInstance.instanceId labels["instance"] = *address labels["__metrics_path__"] = *metricsPath return &InstanceScrapeConfig{Targets: targets, Labels: labels}, nil }