package com.amazonaws.samples.aesgcmsiv; /* * Copyright © 2017 Coda Hale ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // An implementation of POLYVAL based on GHASH because even BoringSSL doesn't have a POLYVAL impl. // Does its own byte-order conversion to avoid confusion. final class Polyval { private static final long E = 0xe100000000000000L; private static final int E1 = 0xe1000000; private final long h0; private final long h1; private long s0; private long s1; // mulX_GHASH, basically Polyval(byte[] h) { int v3 = Bytes.getInt(h, 0); int v2 = Bytes.getInt(h, 4); int v1 = Bytes.getInt(h, 8); int v0 = Bytes.getInt(h, 12); int b = v0; v0 = b >>> 1; int c = b << 31; b = v1; v1 = (b >>> 1) | c; c = b << 31; b = v2; v2 = (b >>> 1) | c; c = b << 31; b = v3; v3 = (b >>> 1) | c; v0 ^= (b << 31 >> 8 & E1); this.h0 = ((v0 & 0xffffffffL) << 32) | (v1 & 0xffffffffL); this.h1 = ((v2 & 0xffffffffL) << 32) | (v3 & 0xffffffffL); } void update(byte[] b) { final int extra = b.length % EncryptionAESGCMSIV.AES_BLOCK_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < b.length - extra; i += EncryptionAESGCMSIV.AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { updateBlock(b, i); } if (extra != 0) { final byte[] block = new byte[EncryptionAESGCMSIV.AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(b, b.length - extra, block, 0, extra); updateBlock(block, 0); } } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") void updateBlock(byte[] b, int offset) { long v0 = h0; long v1 = h1; long z0 = 0; long z1 = 0; long x0 = s1 ^ Bytes.getLong(b, offset); long x1 = s0 ^ Bytes.getLong(b, offset + 8); // breaking this up into two duplicate loops is faster for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { long m = x1 >> 63; z0 ^= v0 & m; z1 ^= v1 & m; m = v1 << 63 >> 63; final long c = v0 & 1L; v0 >>>= 1; v1 = v1 >>> 1 | c << 63; v0 ^= E & m; x1 <<= 1; } for (int i = 64; i < 127; i++) { long m = x0 >> 63; z0 ^= v0 & m; z1 ^= v1 & m; m = v1 << 63 >> 63; final long c = v0 & 1L; v0 >>>= 1; v1 = v1 >>> 1 | c << 63; v0 ^= E & m; x0 <<= 1; } final long m = x0 >> 63; this.s0 = (z0 ^ (v0 & m)); this.s1 = (z1 ^ (v1 & m)); } void digest(byte[] d) { Bytes.putLong(s1, d, 0); Bytes.putLong(s0, d, 8); } }