AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: > Creates the infrastructure to host and expose a Single Page Application: - An Amazon S3 bucket for hosting the application - An Amazon CloudFront distribution to expose the application - An Amazon S3 bucket for hosting bucket and cloudfront access logs - A public API to be used by the application to demonstrate CORS configuration Parameters: {} Resources: # Our simple CORS compliant REST API SimpleAPI: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi' Properties: Description: A simple CORS compliant API Name: SimpleAPI EndpointConfiguration: Types: - REGIONAL # The Resource (/hello) of our API SimpleAPIResource: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource' Properties: ParentId: !GetAtt - SimpleAPI - RootResourceId PathPart: hello RestApiId: !Ref SimpleAPI # The method to call (GET) for our API HelloAPIGETMethod: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method' #checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_59: "This API does not expose backend service" Properties: ApiKeyRequired: false AuthorizationType: NONE HttpMethod: GET Integration: Type: MOCK PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH RequestTemplates: application/json: "{\n \"statusCode\": 200\n}" IntegrationResponses: - StatusCode: 200 SelectionPattern: 200 ResponseParameters: method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '''*''' ResponseTemplates: application/json: "{\"message\": \"Hello World!\"}" MethodResponses: - StatusCode: 200 ResponseParameters: method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: true ResponseModels: application/json: Empty RestApiId: !Ref SimpleAPI ResourceId: !Ref SimpleAPIResource # A deployment resource for deploying our API Deployment: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment' DependsOn: - HelloAPIGETMethod Properties: RestApiId: !Ref SimpleAPI StageName: v1 # The Amazon S3 bucket into which our Single Page Application build files must be deployed S3Bucket: Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: BucketName: !Sub 'react-cors-spa-${SimpleAPI}' PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls : true BlockPublicPolicy : true IgnorePublicAcls : true RestrictPublicBuckets : true LoggingConfiguration: DestinationBucketName: !Ref LoggingBucket LogFilePrefix: s3-access-logs VersioningConfiguration: Status: Enabled BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: 'AES256' # The Amazon S3 bucket policy for securing the bucket hosting the application BucketPolicy: Type: 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy' Properties: PolicyDocument: Id: MyPolicy Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent Effect: Allow Resource: !Sub ${S3Bucket.Arn}/* Principal: Service: Condition: StringEquals: AWS:SourceArn: !Sub arn:aws:cloudfront::${AWS::AccountId}:distribution/${CFDistribution} Action: 's3:GetObject*' Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket # The Amazon S3 bucket into which access logs from S3 (for the application) and CloudFront will be put LoggingBucket: #checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_18: "This bucket is private and only for storing logs" Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: BucketName: !Sub 'react-cors-spa-${SimpleAPI}-logs' PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls : true BlockPublicPolicy : true IgnorePublicAcls : true RestrictPublicBuckets : true VersioningConfiguration: Status: Enabled BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: 'AES256' OwnershipControls: Rules: - ObjectOwnership: BucketOwnerPreferred DeletionPolicy: Delete # The Amazon CloudFront distribution exposing our Single Page Application CFDistribution: #checkov:skip=CKV_AWS_68: "For demo purposes and to reduce cost, no WAF is configured" Type: 'AWS::CloudFront::Distribution' Properties: DistributionConfig: Origins: - DomainName: !GetAtt S3Bucket.RegionalDomainName Id: myS3Origin S3OriginConfig: OriginAccessIdentity: "" OriginAccessControlId: !GetAtt CloudFrontOriginAccessControl.Id - DomainName: !Sub "${SimpleAPI}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}" Id: myAPIGTWOrigin CustomOriginConfig: OriginProtocolPolicy: https-only Enabled: 'true' DefaultRootObject: index.html DefaultCacheBehavior: AllowedMethods: - GET - HEAD - OPTIONS TargetOriginId: myS3Origin CachePolicyId: 658327ea-f89d-4fab-a63d-7e88639e58f6 # CachingOptimized OriginRequestPolicyId: 88a5eaf4-2fd4-4709-b370-b4c650ea3fcf # CORS-S3Origin ResponseHeadersPolicyId: 67f7725c-6f97-4210-82d7-5512b31e9d03 # SecurityHeadersPolicy ViewerProtocolPolicy: redirect-to-https CacheBehaviors: - PathPattern: "v1/hello" AllowedMethods: - GET - HEAD - OPTIONS TargetOriginId: myAPIGTWOrigin CachePolicyId: 4135ea2d-6df8-44a3-9df3-4b5a84be39ad # CachingDisabled OriginRequestPolicyId: b689b0a8-53d0-40ab-baf2-68738e2966ac # AllViewerExceptHostHeader ResponseHeadersPolicyId: 67f7725c-6f97-4210-82d7-5512b31e9d03 # SecurityHeadersPolicy ViewerProtocolPolicy: redirect-to-https PriceClass: PriceClass_All Logging: Bucket: !GetAtt LoggingBucket.RegionalDomainName Prefix: 'cloudfront-access-logs' ViewerCertificate: CloudFrontDefaultCertificate: true MinimumProtocolVersion: 'TLSv1.2_2021' # The Amazon CloudFront origin access control CloudFrontOriginAccessControl: Type: AWS::CloudFront::OriginAccessControl DependsOn: - S3Bucket Properties: OriginAccessControlConfig: Description: Default Origin Access Control Name: !Ref AWS::StackName OriginAccessControlOriginType: s3 SigningBehavior: always SigningProtocol: sigv4 Outputs: APIEndpoint: Value: !Sub "https://${SimpleAPI}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}" BucketName: Value: !Sub "react-cors-spa-${SimpleAPI}" CFDistributionURL: Value: !GetAtt CFDistribution.DomainName