require 'pg' class RedshiftReporting # This is very similar to the connection setup we're using in the Redshift # Operations class. Admittedly, we're copying code such that each file is # independent. I would suggest, in production, that reporting uses a dedicated # read-only account. Lowest possible impact radius if the account is # compromised. def initialize( dbname: ENV["redshift_dbname"], host: ENV["redshift_host"], user: ENV["redshift_user"], password: ENV["redshift_password"], port: 5439 ) @conn = PG.connect( dbname: dbname, host: host, user: user, password: password, port: port, sslmode: 'require' ) end def run_query(query) result = @conn.exec(query) print_query_result(result) result # Return the result hash. end private # This is more oriented towards pretty printing, but it's also a great way to # CSV format a query result. Just join with ',' instead of tabs, and build a # string instead of printing. def print_query_result(result) # First row is the key names. puts result.first.keys.join("\t") result.each do |row| puts row.values.join("\t") end end end # Added bonus - runnable queries. class ExampleQueries def initialize @reporter = end def user_count statement = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT USERNAME) FROM FACT_DAILY_REQUESTS" puts "Query:\n#{statement}\n" @reporter.run_query(statement) end def requests_by_date statement = "SELECT END_DATE, SUM(REQUEST_COUNT) FROM FACT_DAILY_REQUESTS WHERE END_DATE BETWEEN '2015-10-01' AND '2015-10-07' GROUP BY END_DATE ORDER BY END_DATE ASC" puts "Query:\n#{statement}\n" @reporter.run_query(statement) end def top_product_views_last_week statement = "SELECT REQUEST, SUM(REQUEST_COUNT) AS TOTAL FROM FACT_DAILY_REQUESTS WHERE REQUEST ILIKE 'GET /products/%' AND END_DATE BETWEEN '2015-10-01' AND '2015-10-07' GROUP BY REQUEST ORDER BY TOTAL DESC LIMIT 10" puts "Query:\n#{statement}\n" @reporter.run_query(statement) end def conversion_rate_yesterday statement = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SESSION_ID) AS TOTAL_SESSIONS, ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SESSION_ID) FROM FACT_DAILY_REQUESTS WHERE END_DATE = '2015-10-07' AND REQUEST = 'POST /checkout' AND RESPONSE_CODE = 200 ) AS CHECKOUT_SESSIONS FROM FACT_DAILY_REQUESTS WHERE END_DATE = '2015-10-07' AND USERNAME != '-'" puts "Query:\n#{statement}\n" @reporter.run_query(statement) end end